rule 3

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managing to elude the return policy does not mean I love you still

And it is exactly the non-specialness of today I wear on my back like a stained t-shirt
But I am made of fine silk

non special
non sensical
un feared

open heart's bleed
I'll repeat
an open heart will bleed.
I say again
because i know it rings true

And what I've managed, is to cheapen everything that makes me

and give away kisses like flyers

because if you can't have me, then
everyone can.

always introduce yourself to me wih bared teeth

so I can guess your intention

always keep too much salt in the house

so I can blame it all on superstition

1 2 3
never fall in love with me.

keep me in dark rooms and locked doors.

where I am the most beautiful, and can get away with being free

and you will never see.

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