I would do anything for you

11 0 0

The wind combs through my hair better than your hands ever did.

I will find a new anthem for myself that does not sing of your name.

It wasn't like you didnt know me.
It wasnt like you didnt love me.

As if you didnt know who I was
or you didnt know every part of me better than you knew yourself
It wasnt like you didnt know.

But it was that despite all of it
you acted like you didn't.
as if you had no idea

you were hurting me.

No more.
No more.

I wash up on shore,
and relish the air in my lungs.

My heart eagerly runs for a new path
but you damn me to always look back.
Shaking the lines of my map.

But its okay.
You can have it.
You can have all of whats left of the me that was for you.
And that will be my parting glass.
My final apology.

good bye,
I'm sorry.

(BASKET CASE)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat