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It's not really a fixable problem, or a mental issue. It's you. You, I am so completely in love and taken by, you.
The smell of you is the fastest possible way to send me over the edge.
The sight of you alone could make my heart burst from my chest.
And the feel of you, is a my very own heaven between touches and breaths that I can share with you.

The distance though, is sick.
Every mile, minute, moment, inch of road behind me is another away from you and it makes me choke again and again.

I can't breathe this air that isnt shared with you.
I can't look at the scenery in front of me without the pleasant comfort of being able to ignore it all for you.
I can't take every goodbye hug, stolen kiss we take for ourselves, and final touch, and think every time that it might be the last.

I can't take the distance, I don't want it. I want you. There is nothing I want more than you. Nothing I need more.

All I can really do is take deep breaths, settle myself into the tight choking ropes of missing you, focus on whatever music spills into my ears that is dull without you. All I can really do is hiss, and hold the screams of agony inward as the distance continues.

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