It's been one week into my mission of spying on the leaf. It's actually nice in this village.
"Mizuki sensi!" a boy Naruto yells to me.
"Yes?" I ask smiling.
"Why don't you just go out on a date with Kakashi sensi?"
"W-what?" I ask.
"Yeah he totally likes-" just as he was about to finish his sentence Kakashi cuts him off but hitting him.
"Ow Kakashi Sensi that hurt!" He whines. Oh gosh I can't be dealing with all this shit now. First Guy now Kakashi? One person is enough to like me damn.
"Hello Mizuki."
"Hello Kakashi." I say to him smiling and walking towards my apartment.
"How long are you staying here?" He asks.
"About two more weeks.. yeah." I say thinking. 'I really want to see Hidan. Why can't this mission be over with already.'
"That's a shame." He mumbles.
"Why is that?" I ask him curiously.
"Hello dear Mizuki." Guy says poping out of no where, cutting Kakashi off.
"Hello Guy." I say back to him and glance at Kakashi who was obviously not happy at all right now. 'How funny.' I think.
"Well I would love to talk longer to you guys but I must get home." I say to both of them.
"Why don't you ever stay out and do stuff Mizuki, you're always cooped up in your apartment. Live a little! Live out your youth it's great!" Guy says.
"No no its okay. I train myself every night. How do you think I got so good?" I say to him jokingly.
"Ah you're right. Training never stops. But you gotta have a little fun." He also says. I shrug my shoulders.
"How about tomorrow then?" I ask.
"You guys can show me what's to do around here. I guess I can admit I've been a little bored."
"See!" He says and puts his arm around my shoulder and I laugh.
"Alright I have to go now. Bye guys." I say and wave to them.
"You wanna settle this tie now Kakashi?"
"Why not." I hear Kakashi answer back. 'What are they talking about.. tie of what? Oh well.'

It's late now and I've finally made it back to my apartment. I can finally write down everything I've learned today. Everything about Naruto I've learned so far, a layout of the village and such. I'm even keeping a separate journal for Itachi. I know he wanted to know about this Saskue kid. Which today I found out was his younger brother. They do look a lot a like.. I don't know why I didn't see it.

I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling. 'Dammit I wonder what Hidan is doing right now.' Just then I hear this really strange noise and strange feeling chakra but it smelled somewhat familiar. I get up quickly and get into a stance looking around everywhere, bringing my chakra to my hands.

"Hey calm down." I hear a familiar voice say. I look behind me and see a figure that had a multicolored outline. I see purple eyes and I immediately know who it is.
"Hidan what the hell?" I ask.
"What are you doing you're gonna get me fucking caught."
"We need you back here immediately."
"What why? I only started the mission last week."
"I don't fucking care if you arent done with the damn mission. Get your ass back here now!"
"Alright fine." I say, turning my head. I start to pack then Hidan clears his throat.
"What?" I ask.
"Don't give me attitude." He mumbles.
"You can't do anything. You aren't really here." I say to him. 'That gives me an idea. Might as well tease him a little.' I take off my shirt and I see his eyes widen.
"What I need to change my clothes." I take off my pants so now I'm only in my underwear and bra.
"This isn't damn fair!" He screams getting closer to me.
"Oh what you miss me?" I ask him smiling.
"Fuck yeah I miss you." He mumbles crossing his arms.
"This is just wrong what you're doing to me." He adds shaking his head but not taking his eyes off me.
"Oh don't worry." I say putting new clothes on.
"It will all be the same when I get back." I say and smirk.
"I'll see you in a few days." I add.
"Yeah okay." He says and disappears.
I start to run once I get out of my apartment. Then I'm stopped at the gate.
"Where are you going Mizuki?" Kakashi asks.
"Oh hello Kakashi and Guy. Um I'm have to get back to my village." I say.
"So soon?" Guy asks.
"Yes I'm sorry guys."
"Will you be back soon?" Kakashi asks.
"I don't know, maybe." I say.
"I'm sorry I really must get going." Guy hugs me once I say this.
"Don't leave me Mizuki!"
"Guy get at hold of yourself come on." I say prying him off of myself smiling.
"Goodbye Guy." I say.
"Goodbye Kakashi." I say hugging him.
"You hug him but not me!?"
"You hugged me, it's like the same thing Guy." I say letting Kakashi go and smiling at the both of them. This kinda sucks, these people here were really cool, especially these two. I took a real liking to them, but oh well.

I start to run off once again into the woods. 'It's going to be a long trip home.'

"This is a bad idea Hidan." Kakazu says to me.
"We need her back anyways. Can't you do it later?" He asks.
"It's the perfect time to fucking do it Kakazu." I say smiling widely.

I've actually been thinking about this for awhile. I can't be with Mizuki unless she becomes a Jashinist, and she can't become a Jashinist until she is dead. Then she can come back when she claims Jashin as her lord, be will give her immortality then. I've even asked him about it, he said he would bring her back.
"Come on you like bountys." I say to Kakazu.
"Not when I'm the one putting them out, I get no money out of this." He says.
"It will all work out, trust me, damn. Lord Jashin has never steered me wrong.
"Have you stopped and thought about what Mizuki wants? What if she doesn't want to be immortal?" He asks me.
"Well I asked her about becoming a Jashinist." I say.
"What did she say?"
"She said she'd fucking think about it." I say back to him.
"So she didn't say yes?"
"Well I'm taking it as a fucking yes."
"You're funeral." He mumbles. I roll my eyes then Itachi and Deidara walk into the room.
"You're a fool." Itachi says.
"You're seriously going to think Mizuki is going to be okay with you sending people to kill her un?" Deidara asks me.
"Fuck off." I mumble and begin to walk to my room. I don't care or want their input on this topic. I want to be with her and this is the only option and it has to happen soon or Lord Jashin said he wouldn't do it.

I'm sending 20 men out to kill her, she shouldn't be able to take on 20 men at once. And these men aren't new ninjas, so they should put up a good fight. 'I can't wait to be with her.' This isn't a bad idea.... right?

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