24. Keep Your Head Down

Start from the beginning

"Feeling clean?" I teased. She nodded.

"Good, now come give me a kiss." She rolled her eyes and planted her lips on mine, in an innocent kiss.

"Awake now?" She teased.

"Whatever. Okay so we are going to be meeting the boys in Londen, close to the Airport. We will stay at a hotel till Monday and then we fly to Japan to perform. Stay there for a few days and then move onto Europe." She nodded.

"Oh and when we get to the airport keep your head down. Paps will be there. I've managed to keep you out of their line as much as I can. People know about the hospital thing and saw us at the beach but they don't know who you are. Just keep your head down Okay?" She nodded.

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Well come on now. I got your stuff in the car. Now lets get your little bum in there and we can leave." She grabbed her purse and we hurried out the front door and into her car. 

"Louis." She said. I put the key into the ignition and we buckled up.

"Yes love?" I asked.

"Can you promise not to like flip out if one of the boys hugs me or we hang out. I am just a teenage girl and Niall and I go way back. Please just dont flip." I weighed my options. I certainly didn't want her alone with one of the boys. Sure Zayn has Perrie and Liam has Danielle and I trust Niall and Harry but Niall and her go way back and Harry is quite the charmer. But on the other side Emily is a smart girl and I highly doubt with what happened two nights ago she'd let them do anything to her. I sighed.

"Okay, I wont."

"Promise?" She was being annoying.


"Louis... Please." She bat her eyelashes and pouted. Damn her innocent face.

"Fine. I promise." She smiled and leaned over giving me a kiss to the cheek.

"Now drive." I laughed and pulled out and headed to London.

When we got there 3 hours later I noticed Harry's and Liam's cars first. Then Zayn's. Niall wouldn't be getting in till later considering he's all the way in Ireland. Sure enough you could hear the screams and cries of fans. We'd parked in the back, managing to go unseen.

"Um are they like killing people?" Emily asked. At first I thought she was kidding but her face showed genuine worry.

"No, no no! Love they are just so... dedicated and there are so many. They just scream for attention." She relaxed and nodded, opening the trunk and pulling out her suticases.

"Geez Lou! You packed the same, probably more than me!" I blushed.

"Well, you dont wanna have like wrinkly clothes at the end of the week. I call it keeping my options open." I answered.

"Yeah, but I call it bringing to much stuff." She sassed. I laughed and pulled out my one suitcase and huge duffel.

"Ready?" She nodded. I walked in front of her and buzzed for the back door to be open.

"LOUIS?! LOUIS!!! GUYS THEY ARE BACK HERE!! LOUIS I LOVE YOU! LOUIS!!" I looked over to see a running fan, coming towards us.

"Shit." I muttered. "Keep your head down. NOW." I frantically pulled at the door.

"Come on open! Open!!!" There were now at least 100 fans running at us. They were getting closer. 100 feet, 80 feet, 50 feet. Finally the door buzzed and I opened it.

"Get in!" I yelled. Emily hurried in. I turned to see the fans about 20 feet away. I smiled, waved and jumped inside, closing the door. Panting I stopped to catch my breath. THAT was close.

"Louis! Mate!" Harry's voice rang out. I turned around to see my other three bandmates walking over to greet us. I grinned and hurried toward him and gripped him in a bear hug.

"I missed you so much!" His voice had defienetly gotten deeper and he had grown at least 4/5 inches.

"Geez! Tall enough yet?" I teased, now having to look up a bit. He blushed.

"I know. I'm finally taller now." He grinned. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Hey Louis." Zayn smiled and hugged me.

"Zaynster!" I laughed.

"Missed ya man." He smiled. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out to see a Twitter notification.

@Real_Liam_Payne : Good Morning everyone! Tell Louis off for being late!

I rolled my eyes and looked up to Liam's stare.

"You still are the Daddy aren't you." He cringed.

"Dont call me that. Im just...." I laughed.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Morning everyone Tell Liam off for not being late

I turned my phone off and stashed it in my pocket.

"Come ere big guy." I smiled and we hugged.

"Emily's really sweet. You scored here bro." I blushed and then worry ripped through my body.

"Where's Emily?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Relax, Harry and Zayn are introducing themselves." I looked over and sure enough they were standing in a triangle laughing and talking. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as none of them make a move..." I growled. Liam chuckled.

"Calm down man, I dont think that'll happen. You know how Harry is. He respects women and Zayn has Perrie. Trust me, Danielle means to much to me." I nodded.

"When's Irishman comin?" I asked and we walked towards Em, Zayn and Harry.

"Around 2. The earliest flight he could get was 1." I nodded.

"Hey Em, I have some exciting news. Its about Ni-" I looked up when I heard a camera sound. What I saw made me wanna pack up my bags and leave. I wanted to punch a wall.

In front of me stood Emily with Zayn smiling next to her and Harry with his lips on her cheek as she grinned taking a picture.

A/N: Okay, so my A/Ns are going to become less and less frequent but I need to inform you that right now I am in the process of going back and editing my story. So I've added detail and information. PLEASE READ THE FIRST CHAPTER AGAIN. I REDID BASICALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. I have edited almost every chapter so you can go back and read it all or not BUT YOU NEED TO READ THE FIRST ONE. IT EXPLAINS HOW NOAH AND EMILY BROKE UP.


Can I have 4 votes? 7 READS AND IM AT 1200!! EXCITED!



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