Author's Log (Stardate 93896.87)

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This is not a distress signal, nor is this an attempt to waste time.

This is a special announcement. Well, it's more of a thought, but I'm gonna throw it out there anyways.

I'm thinking of posting two chapters a week; one on Sunday, and one on Friday. This gives me a chance to to add chapters in between, and still wrap the story up by the end of the summer so that I can focus more on the sequal (Yep, there will be a sequal).

There are also a few other things that I need to clear up. During the writing of the other chapters, I always go back and change things in the previous chapters that I don't like. So if you see any changes, don't freak out.

Also, the reason I am stretching the story out is because The Starship Titanic is set after TNG. However, I still want to add in other characters from the show besides Leanna's parents, as well characters a few from DS9 and Voyager.

Let me clear a few things up while I'm at it.

Starfleet does not have a Junior Academy as far as I know. I just added this in as a way to let the story flow. According to Starfleet, the youngest age they'll allow is 18 and I didn't want to changing the ages around.

The Cyborg Twins (Dillon and Damien) were originally Tactical Borgs from the Trimatrix 077, but since Dillon is studying to be a doctor, and Damien a navigator/Captain-in-training, I changed their statuses to Medical Drone and Standard Drone.

Beverly Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard never got married in the series, but they did in a novelization. They even bore a son, who I don't think will pop up in this story any time soon. Beverly also kept Jean-Luc's name which is why she's called Dr. Crusher-Picard, but I might change it to Dr. Beverly later on.

I am also always looking up different Starfleet uniforms on the internet. This has led me to second guess my choices on the uniforms, so just to let you know beforehand, the current uniform choices (and ship) might change.

That's all I can think of now except that the two chapters a week starts now.

Live Long and Prosper fellow humans! Please enjoy this Star Trek parody of "Drop It Like It's Hot."

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