I couldn't control myself but to look at her in the rearview mirror from time to time for her beauty was like a magnet for my eyes... I wondered if she had a boyfriend? If she was in love with somebody? She most probably did since she's so beautiful and attractive. I don't know why but even the thought of her being touched by some other man made my blood boil in my veins! She wasn't my girlfriend but I've become so jealous... I couldn't believe what was happening to me, what was she doing to me? Suddenly, my eyes met hers in the mirror and my heart started beating faster. I immediately focused back on the road. My hands squeezed the steering wheel tighter and I felt my body was about to sweat. Damn.. she caught me staring at her!

Your POV

Oh my God he was staring at me and I did the same thing... so embarrassing. His eyes were so dark and intense that it made me feel they were piercing into my very soul! My cheeks were literally burning! When I met his eyes I immediately remembered about yesterday and the things he did to me in my room. I could still feel his warm, big hand on my breast. He didn't do anything to me last night but sooner or later he was going to do it anyways. There was no way out of this... I've spent last night trying to create an escape plan but it was so hard since first of all, the house was really well guarded and secondly, I didn't know his schedule - when was he in the house and when out. I could try running today in the mall because I believed it was going to be easier to escape in a place full of people and if he did find me somewhere, I'd just scream for help!

However, his warning won't escape my mind, making me wonder, was he really going to kill me if I escaped? He was a gangster after all, so probably yes. Only thing I didn't know yet... how bad of a gangster was he?

The whole car was filled with the scent of his cologne... I wonder how much he has used? But it didn't really bother me since it was a very nice smell and I could tell it was very expensive too. Of course it was, this man was hell rich!

After a few hours drive we reached one very shiny mall. We parked and got out of the car. I couldn't believe he was going to spend money on me for clothes and in such a fancy mall!

"Hey girl," he turned to me "before we go in, I wanna tell you something and you better listen very well!" I wish he would stop acting like he was some kind of king and I hated his attitude like he was superior to me. "Don't even think about trying to escape. You don't wanna make me mad, do you?" I simply nodded my head. If he only knew the only thing I've been doing was thinking about escaping... at times like this I was glad humans couldn't read minds...

We walked in the shiny mall and I was walking in between Alligator and the man they called Tin. Those two were watching me very carefully, making escaping impossible.

All the shops were sparkly and expensive. People were walking around, holding shopping bags, talking, laughing... couples were holding hands and music was heard coming out from the shops.

"Let's go in there! We should take her some jeans and blouses first, then we can look for something better." Michael said and we walked in the shop.

The clothes were so pretty! I loved them all but I was embarrassed to tell him that... I've never before owned such beautiful clothes because I was poor. Michael grabbed few pairs of jeans and handed them to me.

"Here, try these on, they look nice." I hated the fact that he won't let me choose my own damn clothes but since he was paying for them and I had to admit the things he just handed to me were pretty and I liked them, so I said nothing and went to try them on.

I went inside the cabin, the men waiting for me outside. I got surprised to see they fit me so well! Michael must have a really good eye for sizes...

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