His father, Joseph, had started this business before the boss was even born and was a great businessman but that changed towards the end of his "reign" when my boss was around 16 years old. I know that because I used to work for Joseph before and witnessed his downfall - he begun drinking and screwing deals right and left. The other families, of course, noticed it and decided to take advantage of the situation while Joseph was weak. They've been waiting for this moment quite a while since the Jackson family possessed huge and profitable share of the business. They wanted to kill Joseph, then his sons too, so that his part of the business, would go into their hands. However, my boss didn't allow this to happen. He had just turned 17 when a war for supremacy between the families had started and it was him who ended it. While his brothers were hiding behind mommy like pussies, he made a plan and managed to organize our men and in just a few weeks the other families were defeated. Ever since, he's been the head of the family and the business was going really well. Therefore, we all have great respect for the boss. However, he would have his bad days too and in this type of business no one could blame him! You relax and show goodness for just a day and next thing you know, you're out of the game.

His brothers didn't quite approve of his new position as a Don and felt left out. They begun conspiring against him to take him out of the business but he was very smart... even smarter than Joseph and all his brothers put together. In the end, he forgave and let them go but if this was to happen today, they would have to suffer the most gruesome death since the boss wasn't that young and sweet boy anymore. He was mature, strong, smart, tough and knew how to take care of himself.

After few more minutes of waiting in deadly silence and thinking about the past, someone knocked on the door and got in. It was one of the boss' bodyguards bringing with him another boy from his bodyguard team. Why the bodyguards? They weren't an important part of the family! Straight after them, another bodyguard came in with Esmeralda, holding her arm tightly. What on earth was Esmeralda doing here?!!??!! The boss would never mix women with work!

The two bodyguards stopped in front of the boss' desk

"As you ordered, boss." he didn't reply but kept playing with his figures. The bodyguards took a few steps backwards and waited for further orders. Esmeralda and this boy looked nervous and scared. What was going on here??

"Mi amor, " Esmeralda begun "Michael..." she walked over to him and fell on her knees, holding onto his legs.

Your POV


I took my phone and turned off the alarm. It was time to get up and start a brand new day, full of shit like usual.

I took a shower and got downstairs to make myself a breakfast 'cause I had to go to work in one hour.

I found my father drunk as fuck on the sofa, the bottle of vodka in front of him on the coffee table but this wasn't something new for me. He's been addicted to alcohol for like almost 2 years now, ever since my mother had passed away.

"Dad..." I looked at him.

"What?" he sounded angry.

"I just... I gotta go to work and you're drinking again.. and-"

"So what? You got a problem with that?"

"I-" I tried talking but he got up and stood in front of me. Oh God.. not again...

"You what? How many times do I have to tell you, no one tells me what to do, especially you! I AM YOUR FUCKING FATHER! YOU DO AS I SAY!"

"Dad I just want what's best for you..."

"Then shut the fuck up! Today's Friday and you get paid. You better not do what you did last time! I want you straight home with the money after work, you got that?" I felt hot tears forming in my eyes.

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