Prologue || Faithfully

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I got back into bed from brushing my teeth and snuggled up to Justin. Our legs were now intertwined with his chest pressing flush against my back.

I would like to stay like this forever, with him. But I know I have to leave soon. I have to get back to Gigi, but before I do I need to tell him something. Ask even? I'm not sure. No matter how many times I've thought through this in my head, I still don't even know what to say.

What scares me is how he's going to react though. The last time I brought this up he didn't react nicely. That night ended with me walking home crying and him ignoring me for awhile after.

I turned around in bed to be able to face him, our legs still intertwined. I gazed at him and he did the same back. I noticed his beautiful golden-brown eyes and how they twinkled with love and lust. Mostly love, considering we just had sex.

We stayed like this for awhile, until he spoke up.

"I love you," he whispered as he rose his hand to stroke my cheekbone with his thumb.

I grabbed his hand and wrapped my fingers through his. "I love you too," I chimed.

We continued to gaze at each other as I took in every single detail of his face. I'm pretty sure he was doing the same up until he pecked my lips with his. I automatically kissed back, loving the way he tastes.

The kiss wasn't long. It was quick, and showed love. I know Justin loves me, it's just hard to feel like he does with Selena constantly around, with pictures all over the Internet of them kissing. All the rumors about them get to me.

I know I shouldn't be complaining though, I mean his relationship isn't even real. It's just a publicity stunt, while Gigi and I's relationship was once real. Now I'm just trying to figure out how to leave her, without crushing her feelings.

I was deep in thought when Justin asked "are you okay?"

Do I say it already? Do I tell him? What if he doesn't take it lightly? What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore? What if he ignores me again? What if he yells? What if he- oh fuck it. I'm telling him.

"Justin I want to be with you, but faithfully."


A/N ~ I'm gonna try updating pretty soon, let me know if this is a good story idea or naw. This chapter is pretty vague but everything becomes clear later in the story.
P.s. Im sorry, I plan on having the chapters be longer than this.
I'll update soon

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