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Felix was at the work, he had bags under his eyes while he typed on the computer. Why the hell did he pick this boring job? Calling around to people and asking if they wanted to buy socks wasn't the best. But he was stuck with this job. He didn't know where else to get a job, also this is the first time he is back after 2 weeks.

He looked out threw the window he had next to him. The last person he had called to was swearing at him and threatening that she didn't want any goddamn socks and if they ever called her again she would call their boss.

But Felix looked out and was daydreaming back to the good days. Before he messed everything up.

It was summer and Felix was celebrating he had finish college there he had study economy. He didn't knew though how he would celebrate it but he went to a record shop.

He found some polaroids that he bought. It was songs from 1979, really amazing songs in his opinion.

When he would buy them a girl stood behind the disc and was looking sexy back at him. She eyed him up and down and was smirking at him.
Even if she had Farrah Fawcett hair, it looked good on her. Felix could hook up with her, he could celebrate with getting laid.

She said to Felix, after he gave her money, that he should come to a beach party, they would play a lot of songs from the old days and they would get drunk and everything.

Felix obviously came.

All day he was thinking how the parties was back in the 1979. Would it be similar to this beach party? A lot of dead cigars and alcohol laid around on the beach.

But it wouldn't probably not be similar, it would be if Bianca Jagger came with her white horse though. She was a real party queen.

But the beach party was already on when he came. He spotted the girl with Farrah Fawcett hair and walked over to her. He got blood red wine and they drank and everyone danced to the music.

Felix looked at the fire they had made, it was also dancing and it was jumping around on the woods so it could be alive.

He noticed some feet dancing near the fire on the other side. The left foot had a tattoo on it that looked like a heart and Felix looked up on the girl in the short black dress.

She was smiling bright and had brown eyes and her long brown hair was moving when she danced along to the music in circles and it felt like the time stopped for Felix. She was beautiful.

Not only was she pretty but Felix wanted to know her. Wanted to get along with her. Wanted to spend time just talking to her. It was first time Felix ever felt real love.

He walked around the fire and stood next to the beautiful girl, she was still dancing and hadn't notice Felix. She had her back to him and danced backwards. She didn't look where she danced and Felix didn't move away, he let her dance right in to him.

She fell, and Felix helped her up. She blushed, and Felix asked for her name. Marzia.
Their tanned skin touched each other and they giggled with each other.

They danced together and the sunset made Marzia's body glitter thanks to the sand that was on her body and she had got some sand around her eyes.
Like in 1979 was it probably glitter all other the people but they wouldn't notice it.

Felix smiled for himself when he thought about it. He remember that Marzia said that she was near to not come but after her friend had made her drunk she came, usually she wouldn't come to a party.

Felix smile slowly disappeared. It was so much colour back then but now without he knew it, the colourful lights from the sunset faded away. The clock made everything grey.
He wanted to stay forever young but it was just the same as growing older.

He was still young, in his opinion, but he have grow so much. He know his mistakes and what a shitty person he is.

Golden days. Golden days back there, back at the beach, back at the summer, back at the time with Marzia.

"Mr. Kjellberg," said someone and tapped on Felix shoulder. "I got new phone numbers you can call to."
Felix just nodded to the tall man and the man left ten papers with only numbers on that he should try to sale socks to.

Look who did update! Why did it take so long for me?

I should be honest and not say "too busy in school", even if I have said it bc sometimes it's true.
No basically I'm just a lazy person that comes up with 10 other stories and lose interest to continue other stories I write.

But I will finish this story, don't worry!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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