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Felix looked in the mirror. Did he look lonely?

He could see the shadows in his face. Dark circles under his eyes, his face looked a lot greyer than he could remember.

People from his work and outside of work had said he didn't look the same. Felix couldn't see it though.

Maybe he had lost some weight?

Maybe he should stop hooky from work. He was there only last week and then he haven't appear there again. But he was always out with his friends and drank.

It was never good food they ate, sometimes they didn't eat at all. And Felix haven't really cook any food at home. He usually helped Marzia when they would eat something.

Felix took his jacket and stepped out to the mild night. He took the nearest restaurant he could find. He has to get some food, not junk food or snacks. Some real food.

When he stepped in to the restaurant they guided him to a table. A table that is for two.
Felix sat down and looked around. He didn't really fit in with the people who was here. They all dressed nice, had a partner with them and was happy.

Felix wasn't happy. He remember when he was here with Marzia. They had their first date here.
Felix was the most gentlest bachelor anyone could find. Made Marzia giggle and taking things seriously. Made Marzia see his real him.

His mind was cut off when a man next to him with a pen and a paper wanted to take his order. Felix said his order and the man wrote it down. "And also, I just wanna be served."
The man just smiled at Felix joke and nodded. Felix smiled back even if he didn't want to.

The man walked away and after a while Felix got his food.
He remember when Marzia was sitting across from him. Her dress was suiting on her, Marzia was gorgeous.

Felix came to think about Marzia's dress since another girl at the restaurant was wearing the same dress. But now it was like the dress tangles his neck and he couldn't swallow his food properly.

Felix payed for the food and left. He would go the long way home.

The empty streets was lightened up by the street lamps. It was quiet in the houses. It was late now on a Tuesday night, soon midnight.

Felix came to a park. It was dark and quiet. No one was awake, only Felix.

He found a park bench, and he sat down and laid his head back on the fence. The stars was shining.

So many stars on one night, Marzia would have loved it. Marzia loved to watch the stars and tell about everything she had learned about the outer space.

Felix saw a star falling, it was shining bright for one minute, but one second later it was gone.

Felix closed his eyes. Wishing everything went back to normal, that he didn't go the party.

But how should he live now? Now when he have ruin everything?

This is the end of me, end for bachelor.
That was what Felix thought before he got up and started walking home.

He maybe would never be the same happy guy he was before.

The Death Of A Bachelor [Felix Kjellberg]Where stories live. Discover now