Semifinals: The Battle of Magh Tuireadh

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All hail the Allcrafted, Lugh Lámhfhada, savior of the Tuath Dé! The child of Formori blood and Tuath Dé heritage came to save his people from the terror of Balor. He came to them in their fortresses, their guarded castles that would never protect them from the might of the Fomoire, and showed his equal skill in a thousand arts of craft and battle. Having demonstrated his worth, he kneeled before Nuada the King, who bestowed upon him one of the Treasures, the invincible spear that bears his name to this day.

With Lugh at the head of their army, the Tuath Dé marched to battle once again, all shining blades and lethal skill. Balor laughed at their approach and gestured to his attendants to lift his eyelid, that he might behold them and end all his enemies at once. The dreadful eye began to open, and even the mighty  Dagda shivered. 

However, before the eye was even a quarter opened, Lugh spun his sling and hurled a stone at Balor with such force that his eye was forced out through the back of his head.

With a great shout of victory, the armies of the Tuath Dé rode for the Fomoire, and no soldier, no matter how steadfast, could have withstood their onslaught. The Formoire were scattered as leaves before a great wind.

Captain's Log. Date:

We've found the cure.

It seems to be a sort of flower in a small grove towards the edge of the rain forest. According to Findings from Thalita and Dr. Sharma have indicated that small quantities of a complex molecule called luin can be found in the stamen of the flowers. When extracted and refined, it seems to be an extraordinarily effective treatment for the lágrimas. We were too late to save several of the colonists, including one of our best pilots, Megumi Hirai. However, it's of the utmost importance that we get as many of the flowers as we can to save those whose condition is rapidly deteriorating. 

The one thing that confuses me is why Hai and Thalita have both sent parties to collect the flowers. Surely only one group is needed to get all the flowers-

Oh. Oh. Those arrogant, careless, hopelessly idiotic-

(Entry ends)



-A cure has been discovered for the plague. However, there is not enough cure for both colonies.

-Your tribute is part of the group from their colony that has been sent to collect as much cure as possible. They have been instructed to monopolize the cure for their respective colony. Some people in each group will be armed.

-Have fun! Try to make this one interesting.

Kills: None are required. Kill as many or as few characters that would make sense for the entry; they won't have any effect on who lives.

Byes: The two best entries will be awarded byes to the finals. Everyone else will face votes, and one tribute will be eliminated.

Due Date: Saturday, April 23 at 10 PM EST

Author Games: Brave New WorldWhere stories live. Discover now