Colonist Slot 3: Sydney Morristan

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Name: Sydney Morristan

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Nation of Origin: Australia

Position: Extragalactic Astronomer (studies different galaxies and the structure of the universe)

Appearance: Short, wavy blonde hair frames Sydney's smooth, tanned face. Her eyes are the warmest shade of cobalt, rimmed with navy, that usually gives her the appearance of having "owl eyes". Sydney does not favor makeup or any type of extravagant attire, as she believes in natural beauty, and is never seen wearing any jewelry or cosmetics. She stands at a comfortable 5'5", with strong arms and legs from years of surfing at beaches. Due to this fact, Sydney is extremely agile and lithe, with long, slender fingers that could pass her off as a gifted pianist. Her Australian accent has faded over years of studying abroad in the United States, though if you listen carefully, you could still make out some natural Aussie brogue.

Personality: Sydney is a mix of different things. Her personality shifts with her mood, but she is generally always good-natured and with a smile on her face. She is a hard worker, though she believes that for good health there must be a balance of work and relaxation. Her love of exercise and eating healthily has blossomed from something her mother forced her to do to a daily routine, and she is usually seen jogging on treadmills or weightlifting in her free time. Her heart is wide and she has a soft spot for children and animals, but frowns upon those who are either too silly or lazy. Don't get her wrong, Sydney loves to have fun every now and then, but she doesn't take it to the extremes. Last but not least, she is very knowledgeable in her field of work, and also loves to read.

Token: A small picture of her family, which she keeps tucked away in her jacket pocket.


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