First Day Dilemas

Start from the beginning

This family died because they were involved with me.

'If you hadn't come here, would those people still be alive?' Matron Joan's words came to me.

Turning the page in the journal, I forced away the thought of the slaughter. There were years and years to deal with that, I had to deal with the now.

The journal went on to explain the guidelines for the next few weeks, until the Doctor found out I was a Time Lord. It was similar to my own story of being the only Jumper. Sad stuff, sad stuff.

I had been bullied as a child. My classmates would call me names, make me cry, and caused some deep trust issues. Words like freak and weirdo were tossed around, mostly in my face. I was the new kid stereotype (seriously. It was so bad even other new kids made fun of me). Once, I was pushed down the stairs. Those hurt a lot more in the real world than in the cartoons.

The journal went on to explain the personalities of my human family. Let's see how shortly I can describe them. Thelma was an artist, like my aunt back Home. Leanna was an elementary school teacher, like my mother back Home. Aunt Chloe was a fangirl, who enjoyed Star Trek and Star Wars and pretty much every other sci-if thing you can think of. Oh, and Harry Potter.

There was one subject that made me slam the journal shut, and throw it across my motel room in horror.

Back in my nineties, I had a horror movie phase. It had been fun for a bit, laughing at all of the stupid teenagers for being stupid teenagers. Then, I went a little on the extreme side. It had been a dark time for me, and I needed to do something good for someone.

30 Days of Night. Thirty days of no stop vampires, waiting to feed on the townspeople. It's not a time I like thinking about.

And that stupid book just told me to tell the Doctor about it.

What the fuck Future Me?!

Okay. Time to distract. What's the perfect way to distract a freshly regenerated Time Lady?


London had a lot of interesting shops, but I had interest in one. Henrick's department store. It was an easy enough find, a quick search on google maps.

I walked into the store, holding my bag close to my body. I was on edge for some reason, and I did not like it.

There she was. Rose Marion Tyler.

Even though I've been doing this job a long time, in the first few seconds I get a little star struck. That feeling you get of pure rush, like seeing an old friend, though it fades when they look you in the eyes and have no idea who you are.

Rose Tyler. Rose Tyler! She looked young, and completely bored. This was Rose Tyler, the Bad Wolf, Defender of the Earth, the Doctor's unspoken girlfriend. Jackie's daughter! This is a girl who made a Dalek nice! Rose Tyler made a dimension cannon to help the Doctor defeat the Daleks and their Reality Bomb!

And...she was working in a shop.

'Not every superhero has a cool backstory.' Smirking, I walked up to the blonde shopgirl. I tapped her shoulder.

She looked up at me. Rose Tyler was looking at me!

"I need a new wardrobe." I said, trying to fight off my urge to scream like a little girl. I was a professional. I would behave as such...until I was alone. I pulled out a debit card. "I got mom's card, and an entire afternoon free."

Rose grinned, her tongue on tooth smile. It was a mischievous smile, same for the glint in her brown eyes. Get yourself together, Johnson! You're on a case! "Ah, I remember those days." She guided me over towards some of the teen clothing.

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