Chapter four

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A/N I uploaded 4 chapters one day ! Please v.o.t.e

I woke up to the smell of harrys pancakes. Yum those where always amazing. Litterly . . . . . I love Harry so much. He is the bestest best friend.

Niall was still sleeping when I woke up. So like any girl would do , I played with his hair.

Vanessa: Uhhhh. Niallll. Baeee. I can finally call you mine. Mine. <3 Mine forever and ever.. Your just perfect to your Bloonde hair , to those ice blue eyes. Breath taking. Niall. Why are you so perfect. Why do you date ugly girls like me. I mean  ... Ahh.

Harry: Your certainly not ugly..

Me: Oh well thanks for listing Hazza

Harry: Your my bes friend. I can do whatever I want . Wanna prank Nialler?

Me: Not my bae! No :(

Harry : Yes.

Niall : No. And im not perfect. You are . Your skin tone is just breathtaking. As long as your bloonde hair. It just makes me so happy to say your my babe.

Me: Oh Niall! Thats so sweet.

Harry: Douces.

Me: Thats my saying shut up!

Harry: Mee sorrrrrryyyyyyy.!

Me: Niall. I dont know anymore. Sometimes I feel so ugly and maybe were dating to fast.

Niall: Babbyyy. Dont say that!.

Just then louis ran into the room with everyone else and sat on our bed with a bottle.

Harry : Spin the bottle! Louis you spin first

What. ! Im the only girl here. And niall is taken AND SO AM I . Ah, Oh well .


Then the girls walk  in .

Wait what . My minds blank .

Louis: Okay  I have to kiss Danielle Im sorry Liam

Liam: make it quick!


Ok my sucky little chapter. :)

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