Chapter 11

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A/N: Okay, just an FYI, these are the roles left;

-4 FBI agents

-New FBI boss

There will be more roles that I will offer NEXT chapter just an FYI also.

Lots of love! Enjoy :3


Agent 16: Chapter 11


"Miss me?" She asks making me laugh.  

"I did." I say as I set her down. "You had me worried sick!" I shout making her giggle.  

"I bet I did." She says with a smirk.  

"Now that that's all over, how about that date?" I say grinning.  

"Hell yeah! I'm starving!" She shouts making me chuckle.  

"Let us go then."


Clover's POV:

I was going on a date with Louis. Okay, no biggie.

Oh, who am I kidding?!


What the hell do I wear?!

Where are we going?!

Oh yeah, we're staying here.

Okay, so I got THAT figured out. Now, what to wear.... I look in my closet in disgust. Nothing seems good enough. God, fucking, damnnit. Then I spot it. I grin as I quickly grab the dress I wore to my freshman homecoming dance. I remember that day. I went with some of my friends. That was before I became who I am. Now I'm homeschooled from a computer. I miss those days... Oh well. I love what I do & that's all that matters. I quickle slip on the red dress that fit me in all the right places showing off my curves. It was strapless & went about three inches above my knees. It was a pretty simple dress to be honest but I think I look fabLOUIS. See what I did there? No? Well, screw you too. I then grab my black five inch heels & strap them on making me even taller (not that I was that tall because I'm about 5'4"). I quickly run to the bathroom in my room & curl my hair to perfection & do my makeup simple; a little eyeliner & mascara. I put on my gold hoops with matching bracelets. You may think that I'm over doing this because we are only staying in the house but I don't fucking care. I need to look good when Louis asks me to be his girlfriend. Yes, I know he will. Why? Because he's kinda loud. He thought I was "sleeping" so I heard him talking to I think his mom. Not sure. But he sounded pretty damn excited so I want to look my best. I look into my mirror & nod in approval as I take a deep breath before I exit my room. It was about time for the dinner so I just went down the stairs that were covered in rose petals. I grin as I continue down & see candles. How romantic. I continue on till I see Harry & Louis talking. I cough to get their attention & their jaws drop. They both check me out making me smirk. I walk up to Louis & give him a kiss on the cheek but he has other plans as he pulls me closer my the waist making me giggle. Dear God, I can't believe I'm being such a girl. I've only had two boyfriends & I never once giggled. Sure, I liked them but I have never felt anything more than a friend to them. I mean, we kissed & all, but never more than that. Louis leans in & gives me a sweet kiss before pulling away.

"You look gorgeous Clover." He says making me grin.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I say making him smirk. He was wearing black skinny jeans & a dress shirt followed by his black TOMS. I chuckle at his shoes. Only he would wear them as often as he does. He grins as he leads me to the table & Harry hands us...


What the hell?

I look at it & realize there is only pasta on it. I laugh at it & the boys' stupidity. Was the menu of only one thing really needed? I guess so.

"I guess I will take the pasta & a water please." I say sweetly as Louis orders the same & we give our menus back. Louis looks back at me with a grin making me smile back.

Damn, did he look sexy.

We make small talk until our food arrives & we silently eat our food. As soon as we're done, I notice some sauce on his cheek.

"You have a little something...." I say trailing off as I point to his cheek. He simply smirks at me.

"Wanna help me get it off?" He says with the smirk still on his face as he comes over right next to me. I grab my napkin & wipe it off. Louis pouts since that's not what he meant I knew damn well too. I chuckle as I give him a simple kiss that soon gets heated & he pulls me onto his lap so I'm stradeling him. I wonder where the boys are? I quickly forget about that as Louis' hands travel below the equator & I quickly stop him.

"We are at the dinner table." I hiss making him give me a cheeking grin as he stands up with my legs around his waist. He's quick as he runs up the stairs making me giggle.

"USE PROTECTION!!!" I hear Harry shout making me blush redder than a tomato making Louis chuckle. He practicaly kicks the door open & slams it shut as throws me on the bed. He's quick to be on top of me, pulling me into a heated kiss. Louis starts to unzip my dress as I unbotton his shirt. I guess Louis forgot to lock the door because we hear a manly scream making us pull apart & look at the wide eyed Niall. I blush yet again as Louis smirks.

"I could have gone through my whole life before seeing you two about to have sex. Now I am scared for life. THANKS!" He shouts as he slams the door shut. We hear Niall telling everyone what he saw making me blush even more as Louis chuckles. He quickly gets up & locks the door.

"Where were we again?" He asks with a smirk.


"WHY THE HELL CAN'T I STOP PUKING?!" I shout to no one in particular. For about the past month, I have been extemely moody & sick. We were at the doctor right now waiting for the doc to get the results.

"It's okay babe, just chill." My boyfriend says. That's right, I said boyfriend. After we had a little fun if you know what I mean, he popped the girlfriend question. Of course, I said yes.

"Shut up Louis." I snap. I can't help it! I just did it without thinking. & since I've been sick, I can't go to work. It's a huge pain the ass. Oh, & did I mention I'm missing my period? I really hope it's not what I think it is... The doctor comes into the room with one of the best pocker faces ever.

"Well, we have the results." He says in a monotone. He pauses as he looks at the papers.

"Well, what the fuck is wrong with me?!" I shout making Louis try to calm down.

"It seems you're two months pregnant." He says. My face pales.



A/N: Yup :) so there's only one more chapter left till the sequel! :D I promise to get it done ASAP. But there are now three new roles ^.^ two of them are daycare people & one person that wants to be mom. I doubt anyone wants to be one but she has a pretty big part if it counts. & if you haven't guessed the sequel name (it's pretty obvious) it's....


Yeah, I know, it's pretty obvious now .-. oh well. & there may or may not be a third book so yeah.... o.o Not sure yet. Oh well, love youuuu. You should follow me on some of my accounts ;)

Twitter/Instagram/Gifboom: originality_PS

Tumblr/Snapchat: schillip

I think that's it... Bye!

--Paige <3 xx

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