Chapter 5

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Agent 16: Chapter 5

Recap: "How & why are you so damn beautiful?" I say kissing her lips soft & gently. We pull apart & she shrugs as I see a blush creep onto her cheeks.


"I'm not that beauful..." She says her voice trailing off as she looks around her room to the clock. She smiles as it says 9 AM. Her dad sh-. My thoughts are interupted by the door bell. She runs out of the room & down the stairs. Well... Here goes.


Let's go meet her dad.

Clover's POV:

As soon as I hear the doorbell, I run down the stairs in my high heels (6 inch heels, may I add) with Louis right behind me. I quickly get to the door & check the outside camera just to be safe only to see my dad &....


I open the door only to be squished into a hug with both my parents. We stayed like that for a good minute or two then let go.

"Hi sweetheart." My dad says smiling. Then he looks at Louis. Oh shit.... "Who's this? Your BOYFRRRRIIIENNNDD?" My dad sing/says. I face palm myself. He can be so embarressing sometimes.....

"Dad....." I start to say by him laughing.

"I'm just kidding kiddo. But I brought you a surprise!" My dad says motioning for me to close my eyes. I close them till he says to open & I open up to see a new gun from him & clothes obviously from my mom. I grin & hug them both.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!" I yell happy as ever. I love getting new clothes. Especially things with stripes! My gun happened to be pink too! I love my parents so much. I grin & hug them again. "I've missed you guys." I say seriously.

"We missed you too kiddo." My dad says with a genuine smile.

"The things I had to do to be able to see my baby girl & husband at the same time.... This was the only time but I got 2 weeks." My mom says with a smile. I return it back. I let them in & we go to the living room. Me & Louis sit next together on one of the love seats while my parents sit right across from us.

"So what's the latest with the agency honey?" My mom says. "& boys?" She says with a wink. I face palm myself again. I'm never going to hear the end of this....

Damn them.

"It's good! I got an assignment to watch the band One Direction as Mr. Louis Tomlinson is in. He's the oldest but doesn't act like it AT ALL. Not even kidding. But he's a great guy with a good heart." I say looking at Louis with a smile. He just grins from ear to ear. I grab his hand & look back at my parents. My dad just moves his eyebrows up & down. Oh dear God please help me.... Louis squezes my hand & I look up at him & he smiles. I return it & try to change the subject.

"How's the buisness mom?" I ask. "How's living in London in the UK? I totally gotta come there sometime!" I say grinning. She nods & returns the grin.

Agent 16 (One Direction's Louis Tomlinson Action-Adventure/Romance FanFic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt