Chapter 6

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Agent 16: Chapter 6

Recap: "Too bad Clover & Louis are together.... Otherwise I'd marry her." Niall says inhalling his food. Clover just face palms herself as we all just laugh. I see Clover blushing looking away. I pinch her cheeks but she swats my hand away. I just chuckle.


This is going to be a good rest of the day.


Clover's POV:

I face palmed myself with a sigh. For the past 10 minutes, I have been arguing with my mom & Niall if I was dating Louis or not. I know they both saw us about to lock lips but still! Louis wasn't being much help either. He just sat down enjoying the "show" with a smirk clear on his face. I shoot him my favorite finger in the whole, wide world on each hand as he fakes hurt.

"Maybe later babe." He says with a wink but the smirk is soon back on his perfect face. Now he's just making things worse by calling me babe! My mouth just hangs open as he comes over to me closing it. "Wouldn't want to catch flies now would you love?" He says his accent clear as day. He knows I'm jeleous of it! Damn him! I narrow my eyes at him as he snakes his arm around my waist but his hand then decides to go a little lower than my liking as he grabs my butt. I let out a little shriek as he smirks.

Damnnit this boy!

"Everything alright love?" He asks like he did nothing wrong. I just narrow my eyes at him shaking my head.


"Your hands better not be below the equator mister!" My mom scolds. I almost forgot that her & Niall were right there watching the whole thing. I blush looking away as Louis nods.

"Understood. I would never do that. At least when you're here." He says with the last sentence mumbled so she couldn't hear but I heard him thus, I playfully smack his stomach which happened to be rock hard.

It's the abs....

Damn, is he HOT!

"Better not." She says walking away but not before she mumbles one last thing. "Such a cute couple." She says with a huge smirk as she leaves. I groan for about the millionth time today.

She wins this time....

This time only.

Niall just stands there grinning like a nitty. I tilt my head in confusing.

"You guys really do make a good couple." He says smiling then running away laughing his ass off.


I groan once again in frustration.

"Awww, is someone getting upset?" Louis coos pinching my cheeks. I swat his hand away & head up the stairs to my room.

Louis' POV:

As she walks up the stairs, I decide to just follow her. Better then having more awkward moments with her parents. What happened downstairs just now was pretty damn funny. I just kept making it worse & worse. I knew it too. She'd just keep blushing & she's really damn cute when she does. I quickly go after her before she closes the door. I slip in as she smirks.

"About time you got up here." She says pulling me close so there's no space between us at all.

"What?" I ask totally lost.

"As in we need to talk Tomlinson." She says seriously. I usually hate it when someone calls me by my last name but when she says it it's okay. I only let it slid for her.

"Okay, what about?" I ask sitting on the couch in her room pulling her on my lap. She turns around to face me puttng her legs on either side of me.

"What are we? I mean.... We do all this couple stuff but you have a girlfriend so.... Yeah." She says slowly. "I really like you Louis, believe me, I just don't know. I'm so confuzzled." She says with a sigh. I never thought about that actually.

What are we?

"What do you want us to be?" I ask. "To be honest... I like you better then Eleanor. I mean, she's great & all it's just lately, we've been drifting apart. Plus, there's something about you that attracts me to you quite a lot." I say looking deep into her eyes. We both lean in but get interupted by someone yelling.

"Clover where are you?!" Clover's mom yells. Clover lets out a loud groan before yelling back.

"In my room! Gotta go to work soon!" She yells giving a wink. I give her a confused look as she lifts up a finger motioning 'one second'.

"Okay honey...." Clover's mom says sounding sad. She really doesn't like Clover in the FBI & you can tell. We stay silent for a minute till she looks at me with a huge grin on her face.

"We're going out. Change." She orders getting up. I get up raising an eyebrow questioning her actions. "I'm not going to work today; I lied. I just wanna spend time with you away from here." She says holding both my hands. I just smile down at her. She gives me a kiss on the cheek & goes change.

Damn that girl.


A/N: Chapter 6! Next one will be WAAAYYY longer with def action :) lates!

--Paige <3 xx

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