Chapter 12

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Agent 16: Chapter 12


"Well, what the fuck is wrong with me?!" I shout making Louis try to calm down.

"It seems you're two months pregnant." He says. My face pales.



Clover's POV:

As soon as we found out the news, I puked all over the ground. It was gross to say the least. Louis just stood there looking like an idiot with this eyes wide & mouth wide open as his face paled. I don't think he was planning on having a kid at 21 & I REALLY wasn't wanting one at 16. But I know that he/she is going to be super cute! As soon as we got back to my place, the boys come running over to us asking what happened.

"I'm pregnant." I say with a shrug & go to the fridge. I look back at the boys to see their mouths hanging wide open & wide eyes.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" They all scream.

"Louis, you tell them." I say waving them off. Louis tells the boys & they all go silent. I look up at them as I heat up some food & they are looking at me with pity.

I hate being pitted.

"Stop looking at me like that. I'm perfectly fine with this. I'm actually excited to be honest." I say truthfully. Sure, this is going to be painful but how bad could it be? I'm already two months in. Not so bad so far besides the mood swings & always being sick. This should be easy! Or so I thought...

Month three (Since she was two months in):

So far...

This has been a pain in the ass.

All the boys do is piss me off. They will be going back on tour again soon so then I can have some peace & quiet. That will be a huge relief. My stomach is already showing & I kind of look like a fat ass which pisses me off. I usually have a hot ass body (according to Louis) but now I have a baby inside of me.

This is really fucking weird.

There is a human growing inside of me, another human.

This. Is. Fucking. Creepy.

Have I mentioned my cravings?

All I crave is gummy bears. Yes, I eat other foods, but all I really want to eat is gummy bears. There is a whole drawer dedicated to gummy bears. Not even joking. I also have to take lots of meds & vitamins which sucks because I almost forget every time. ALMOST. But I remember them. The good thing that has come out of this is that the boys are constantly asking if I'm okay & if I need anything. They're pretty much my slaves. It's quite fun. Unlike telling my mom I was pregnant. I was so nervous but guess what she did? She screamed from happiness. She told me she would come as soon as she could which is in three days from now. The boys leave in four so that means my mom is going to give Louis a lecture.

That should be fun.

I also told her about my dad. He ended up going to jail but will be let out in about two years. To be honest, I am not looking forward to that. He lied to me. Not to mention tried to kidnap people for money. Let's just say...

I don't count him as my dad anymore.

Month four:

They boys have left & my mom is still here. She decided that she is going to design a pregnant women collection & I just happen to be her model. Yay....


Don't get me wrong, I love her & all, but there comes a point where she gets on my nerves. So whenever I have the chance (which isn't very often), I text/call/Skype Louis & the boys. I miss them loads but mostly Louis. I wish he could come to the appointments for the baby but I know he has his job to do so I can't hold him back. Me & Louis also decided to stay a secret mostly because of my job. If people recognize me, I'm screwed. But it's always nice to talk to them when they can. Well, I'm off to my appointment.

Wish me luck!

Month five:

So I found out the genders of the babies.

That's right.

GenderS & babIES.


I am having twins. One boys & one girl. I told Louis but he just fainted. It was kind of funny to be honest. My mom just screamed & jumped around. I have no clue why she's okay with this. Her 16 year old daughter is having twins. Not exactly the best thing in the world. Oh well. She's happy, I'm happy, we're all happy.

Month six:

I. Am. Fucking. Huge.

Having twins makes your stomach even BIGGER. I didn't think it was possible. Although that would explain why I got so big so fast... & to think I'm six months in. Time flies by pretty damn quick. Mom went back to the UK because she too has a job. I happen to get to stay home & do jack shit. The new FBI boss, Heather, is super cool & understands that I can't do anything so she has let me stay home till the babies arrive. Plus three months after the birth till they are big enough. She has nice blue eyes with dark brown hair. There also is a new FBI agent named Caitlin who's super cool. She comes over & helps me if I need anything & tells me what's up at the station. She has amazing hair & to be honest, I'm kind of jealous. It's curly & brown hair with natural blonde-reddish highlights. Her eyes are super unique too. Her eyes are hazel with blue on the outer rim and gold as a rim around the pupil making them look epic. Over this past month, we have become super close. She too, is young except she's a year older making her 17. I can now say she is one of my best friends.

Month seven:

I'm literally fan girling right now.

You'll never guess what.

Niall James Horan....

Has a girlfriend.


You heard me!

Niall. James. Horan. Has. A. Fucking. Girlfriend.

& I have to say....

She's perfect for him.

Or that's what the boys say. Her name is Jordan & although I have not seen her (yet), I know she is beautiful. I'm just super happy for Niall!

Month eight:

I am freaking out.

Only one month till the babies come & I am very surprised my stomach has not exploded. That's how huge I am. In other news, Liam has a new girlfriend! Her name is Sierra & she has gorgeous hair & eyes. Her hair is blonde with nice orange tips & she has nice green eyes. Over all, she's gorgeous. Liam sent me a picture of them & it was so adorable I thought I was going to die (not literally). I can't wait to meet her & Jordan!

Month nine:

My due date is in two days. No biggie. It's all good. Oh, who am I kidding? I'M FREAKING OUT!!! Louis is done with tour & has decided to come visit me first since the babies are due soon then he is going to see his family. My mom also is here & is giving him pointers in case my water breaks & she's not here. He was looking kind of freaked out because he rather not deal with me alone. Big shock there....



Moving on.... OH FUCK.

"MOOOMMMM!!!!" I scream out making her rush over to me.

"What's wrong?" She asks, clearly panicked.

"I think the babies are coming." I say crying out in pain.

"You're water hasn't broke!" She says but as soon as she says that...

It breaks.

"Oh boy..." She says slowly. "LOUIS!!!" She yells up the stairs & he rushes down to see what she wanted but as soon as he sees me, he knows what's going on. They quickly rush me to the car as I continue to scream in pain.

& I thought this was going to be easy...


Not even fucking close.

Ten minutes later, we pull up to the hospital.

"MOVE IT, PREGNAT LADY COMING THROUGH!" My mother yells making doctors look over at us with wide eyes. They quickly grab me & drag me to a bed thingy that rolls you around.

"Just breath, honey, breath." One of the doctors say. I listen to her as I try to calm myself down by breathing but it doesn't work to well with me screaming from pain. They quickly lay me down on a bed as soon as we find a room.

& that's where the fun began.

Louis' POV:

All I hear is screaming as Clover tries to push the first baby out. I've lost feeling in my hand a long time ago since she's holding on so tight & it hurts like a bitch. Well, it did. Finally, baby number one comes out. I look over & see it's a girl. I smile as I look at Clover. She's sweating buckets & looks somewhat relaxed till she has to push for baby number two. Soon enough, he comes out beautiful as ever. She did it. She really did it.


A/N: So that's it for Agent 16 :) I will be posting 'Agent Mommy' soon so that will be fun :) Okay bye bye <3 Follow my stuffff. :3

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You can add me on Facebook: Paige Notgoingtolookyouintheeyes Schillinger

That's it :P

--Paige <3 xx

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