9. - A Heart That Hurts Is A Heart That Works

Start from the beginning

“Okay,” I just said. “Are you just wearing boxers?” I asked and looked at Johnny’s direction.

“Well I was a bit upset as I noticed you weren’t there anymore and I thought you would... I don’t know… maybe doing something stupid or something like that,” he said and his hand found his way through his little hair which was falling down on his head, since he haven’t done it.

“Why should I do that?” I asked. He just shrugged and sat down on Zacky’s other side. “And why are you all here? You should be home with your girls,” I said looking at Matt, Syn and Zach.

“Short shit had called us and we were worried and wanted to look if you’re okay. So, as I see you have a bottle of good stuff here, I think I’ll stay too,” Syn said and sat down.

“With you drunken asses it wouldn’t last long,” I said and took it from Zacky and took a sip before handing it to Syn.

“Well, I’ll go grab some stuff. I’ll be right back in twenty minutes,” Zacky said and left us alone.

“So why did you pick up Peanut?” Johnny asked and picked up the little dog, so he could rest on his lap.

“I needed a protector, so I chose him.”

He mumbled something like “could have wakened me”. I just smirked and watched again the beautiful sight.

“You couldn’t get rid of it,” Syn said and I simply nodded.

“Can I ask you something? I have this question in mind since some hours. You think, this was the only time he cheated on me?” while asking I avoided looking at them.

“Actually… I doubt that. I don’t know him, but… It’s just a feeling, but I doubt that.” Syn was the one who actually had spoken after a short break. Actually that was exactly that, was I was thinking too. I let out a sigh and let me fall, so I could now watch the stars.

I heard some bottles rattled and knew Zacky was finally back. “Here, eat something,” I heard him saying and felt something on my stomach. I looked up and saw a bag of chips. I wanted to grab the bottle of Jack Daniels, but Zacky hold it out of my reach. “Eat something and you’ll get it back.”

I just rolled my eyes, opened the bag and ate some of them. The salt on my lips hurt.

“So, you want to talk about it?” Matt asked.

“Don’t know what I should say. My fiancé cheated on me with the biggest whore around, got her pregnant and I was the biggest twerp and supported her. I think that hurt the most, ‘cause she didn’t had the balls to tell me it was his child. But I love the little one and I couldn’t be mad at her. What did you tell her?” I asked.

“First you shouldn’t name your sister like that and second your mother told her you got sick and had to see the doctor,” Matt answered. I was glad they didn’t tell her I was mad at my whole family. I was sure, they know it, and otherwise my dad wouldn’t have behaved like that.

“So you don’t want to talk ‘bout it, but you mind telling us how you got to know him? He didn’t look like the drummer kid on the photo we saw.”

“If you give me the bottle first I’ll tell you, Zach,” I reached out and Johnny handed me the bottle. “I think I was a kind of a stalker. I was twelve as I walked down the street and heard some cool noises from the garage the house at the other side of the street. So I just walked there and saw my neighbor who was two years older than me, sitting behind the drums. I wanted to learn it and so he taught me. I think I was more obsessed than him and became better after some time. I saved all my money so I could buy my own drums and I could play more often. I became friends with Bryan and his brother Josh. It was always the three of us.” I smiled at the memory and circulated the story. “I knew Josh had a crush on me, but I was more interested in his older brother and when he asked me out I was more than happy. So we became a couple and it seemed perfect. But after two years, we fought a lot more and stood aloof from another.” I took a huge sip and knew the others were staring at me, waiting for me to continue. “After two weeks without seeing he came to me, apologized and then he said he now knew what he had about me and asked me if I would become his wife. Rest of the story you know,” I ended bitterly. “So, but that’s the end of the story. That’s the past and I won’t look back,” I said more enthusiastic.

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