Break in the Cold Case

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To: Mom
From: Piper
Date: October 10th, 2038

>Hi Piper,

>Finally managed to track down Mike Stidd. He's retired from JPL now, and he moved away from California and is volunteering at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah. The Hab in Utah was rebuilt in the last five years to match the real Hab, and--this inspires me--he sleeps in his son's room.

>Yes, he says he is responsible for the command you found. No, it was not sanctioned by JPL--it was his own action.

>He is willing to tell you the whole story, and provide you a list of about a hundred other lines of code you might be interested in removing. His only condition is this:

>You have to convince Michael to write back to him. Mike sent him several emails over the past few years, none of which received replies. Either Michael lied when he said he didn't know his dad's address, or he's set up a block against his dad that he's forgotten about and needs to remove. Either way, Mike wants to write to his son, and he's begging you for help.


Michael is kind of a fragile guy. If Mike wants me to be his advocate, he can send the letter to my address, I will READ IT, and if I feel it's acceptable, I'll give it to Michael. Otherwise, I'll track down his code with or without his help.

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