Speak, Rover! SPEAK!

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To: Mom
From: Piper
Date: May 18th 2038
Subject: Frustration with Curiosity

Mom, I've been working for three weeks now trying to teach Curiosity to take voice commands. It's discouraging. He won't take commands or respond by voice--not to the simplest thing. All I've been trying to do is get him to turn a camera on and off, and he just won't do it.

He acknowledges reception of the message, so it's not a mechanical problem, and he has the same software as Lewis and Clark, so he should be able to accept simple voice commands, just as they did when Rick first started working with them, back in the 20's. But he doesn't. Your old XBox 360 was better at it and I've seen you and Dad shouting commands at that thing like it was a puppy loose at a petting zoo. (Why do you keep that dinosaur around? Dad has an X5 downstairs.)

I'm thinking there's an error in the code. I'm going to go through the code, line by line until I track it down. Not looking forward to that. Hunting stray semicolons makes my eyes cross and my brain water.

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