The Public Response

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To: Piper
From: Mom
Subject: The Public Response
Date: September 10th, 2038

Donations continue to pour in--money, yes, but also both used and new baby accessories, like pajamas and diapers and bassinets. To date, we've received more than a thousand car seats, including one from Graco, with a letter claiming it was engineered to withstand 3 gee acceleration. It's touching, but also ridiculous. No matter how many times we repeat it on the air, no one seems to pay attention to the fact that your next resupply won't reach you until the baby is fifteen months old. MSC doesn't help at all by selling baby clothes in their gift shop. We send the donors a note, thanking them for their heartfelt donation and then we quietly sell the stuff on Craig's List. The money goes to the foundation, of course.

One thing gave me pause, though. Similac contacted us, asking us to accept their donation and thus make them the official baby formula of the Mars Science Colony, and I did write back to them and explain about the launch schedule, and told them you expected to breastfeed. If breastfeeding doesn't work out, though, is there a backup plan? Also, what are you planning to do for baby clothes, diapers, etc? Due date is just two weeks away. Are you planning to take off any time soon?"

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