Chapter 12: Flying Cats...?

Start from the beginning

"It will suit you. You'll need to be very mysterious to keep away from Erza, she will try to kill you eventually." Zinnia said throwing Mystogan's new clothing at him. "Try those, they should work." The boy tried the clothing as the egg cracked once again. Zinnia walked over to it sitting down on the chair in front of it. 

"These should keep me hidden." Mystogan said pulling the hat onto his head. 

"Good, I'll take you to the guild soon." Zinnia said as the egg continued cracking ready to open. The two watched the egg as it started to the glow knowing that it was hatching. With a flash of light the egg was gone and left was a small black cat in front of them. 

"What will you name him?" 

"Skia." Zinnia said looking at the small cat as it opened it eyes to show one that was red and the other to be gold. 

"Hello?" The small cat said. "Are you my mother?" He asked looking up at Zinnia. Her eyes widened looking at Mystogan. He only nodded at her stilling looking at the cat.

"Yes child, I am." She smiled picking the cat up. "Come now Mystogan, we have things to go. Skia you're going to meet some friends of mine." 

The trio made it to the guild walking to Makarov's office. "Zinnia, who is this?" He asked looking at Mystogan, the small cat climb it's way out of Zinnia's arms and jumped into Makarov's arms. They looked at each other before a large grin grew on his face. "I see that Natsu isn't the only one with a new cat friend." 

"Natsu found one?" Zinnia asked.

"Yes, he believed that it was a dragon egg." Makarov said shaking his head. "So what brings you here, I thought you here going home for the night."

"Well I ran into an old friend of mine, he would like to join the guild."

"Any friend of Zinnia is a friend of mine." Makarov said shaking Mystogan's hand. "Zinnia please get the Guild stamp." Zinnia nodded walking out of the office seeing Natsu running around with a little blue cat on his head. 

"Natsu!" She shouted over the commotion of the guild, he looked over grinning before running over to her as she found the guild stamp.

"Zinnia! Meet Happy!" He said pulling the small cat off of his head holding him out to her. 

"Hello Happy, I'm Zinnia." She smiled at him. The small cat waved with a smile on his face, she could see why Natsu called him Happy. "Natsu, in a minute I would like you to meet someone after I finish with what I'm doing." Natsu nodded running off with Lisana and Happy.

"Here it is Makarov." Zinnia said walking into the office. 

"Thank you Zinnia," Makarov took the stamp from her pressing it to Mystogan's shoulder. Mystogan gave Makarov a nod before walking to the door of the office. 

"You'll have to excuse him, he doesn't speak much." Zinnia said picking up Skia and giving Makarov a smile. He smiled back giving her a wave as she walked out of the room with Mystogan. 

"Alright, before we walk out there, I need a word with you." Zinnia said stopping Mystogan.

"What would that be?"

"I need you to check on the other kids for me every once in a while. I know that you'll keep your distance from the guild taking long missions, so while you're out I need you to check on them. I'll send you a message when I need you too." Zinnia explained looking over Natsu who was happily playing with his new cat.

"I give you my word. You've helped me, so I will help you." Mystogan said giving her a small bow.

"Good, I'll see you again soon Mystogan." Zinnia said giving him a bow herself letting him walk out of the guild past everyone. Questions erupted, Zinnia giving everyone the same answer. His name is Mystogan, he is an old friend of her's, he joined the guild. That was all she would tell them, there was nothing more to tell.

"Natsu, come here and meet Skia." Zinnia said sitting down at the bar with the small black cat. Natsu ran over with Happy flying behind him, Zinnia laughed at the small cat trying to keep up with his small wings. 

"You have a cat now too! I know that Happy and Skia will get along great!" Natsu said grinning at the small black cat. The two cats ignored each other at first until they grew interested in each other's tails beginning to play with each other. 

"I think so too Natsu." She smiled at him. With Mystogan's help, she could keep track of the other children easier, but knew that she needed to check on them herself soon enough. 

"Talking cats... How boring." Laxus said walking over and leaning on the bar next to Zinnia. He looked at the two cats playing with each other before they sprouted their wings flying around the guild after one another. 

"Flying cats..." Laxus looked at them in shock.

"You act like that's the strangest thing you've ever seen child." Zinnia laughed at him. Flying Talking cats, it wasn't one or the other, it was both.

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