37. Just Another Day : Part 1

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I'm gonna do this chapter in parts, because it's really long. It was an idea that came to me, which I found particularly hilarious and artistic. Tell me what you think, okay?

Now, this is a special kind of story. It consists of only a few main characters, with slight appearance from others.
Main Characters- Bucky, you, Tony and Fury.

"Bucky? Buck, wake up, you fool! You're going to be late for the meeting with Fury!" (Y/n) screamed as she shook her boyfriend from his sleep.

He groaned and shifted. She sighed and then jumped on the bed, making him bounce up. The brown alarm clock on the nightstand began ringing shrilly.
It elicited another groan.
Without even lifting his head from the pillow, (Y/n) watched as Bucky's metal arm reached for the clock and then whipped it towards the window, and crashing through the glass.


(Y/n) winced at the dull smash of the clock, about fifty-right stories high. Turning back to Bucky, she watched him get out and stomp downstairs, clothes ruffled and hair sticking up in many directions. The Soldier went to the main toilet, because every other restroom was broken or under repairs.

It was due to a bad case of the Hulk with indigestion.

His stomach growled for food and he muttered, "Yeah, yeah. I'll feed you soon enough. But we need to empty our bladder now, don't we?"
He reached the toilet and found it locked. He knocked.

Natasha let out a struggled yell. "Go somewhere else! I'm dealing with some of my own problems here!"

Bucky walked to the lounge room, hearing the clanking from the toilet dim. His bladder was not so full that it was urgent. He could hold it in until he reached SHIELD.
He went to the adjoining kitchen, hoping to get a quick snack.

A stack of pancakes on a white plate sat in the center of the island, the light from the window shining on it. The butter and syrup drizzled over them glistened.

His mouth watered at the holy sight. He licked his lips and approached it, when Clint jumped in from an open window.

The men stood before the glorious pancakes, licking their lips. They shared a look, one of hunger and greed. Before either of them pounced on the pancakes, Bucky held out his arm.

"No fighting. Equal share."

"I want the top one," Clint replied. "Or I'll take them all."

Bucky rolled his eyes as they split the pancakes. He was in no mood for a brawl, and he was sure any strenuous activity would make him piss his pants so he gave Clint the top pancake along with his share.

The two men took their seats and filled their plates, immediately digging in hungrily. About twenty minutes past when they both sat back with content stomachs, groaning in pleasure.

"(Y/n) is an amazing cook. You should be glad she's your girlfriend." Clint stated with a lazy smile.

"I am glad. She's awesome." Bucky's arms went limp beside him.

His eyes darted to the clock on the wall. The meeting was at 9 o'clock, and right now, it was 9:05. Oh well, he still had-

Bucky's eyes widened in alarm as he leaped out of his seat. "I'm late!"
He quickly ran to the elevator when he patted his pockets. "Forgot my keys!"

He ran back to the counter and snatched it, went to the elevator and pressed the button. But it took so long that he groaned, and thought of taking the seventy floors down, when it reached with a soft ding.

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