Chapter 8

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Have I been doing something wrong? Should I be writing this differently because there are a lot of drops in reads between each chapter.

And sorry that I haven't written in awhile I've been busy but I promise that I'll do better !!!

Lottie's POV

Me and Liz are just walking back into the room from getting coffee. After my talk with Liz, I've decided to give Matt a chance. Maybe she's right, maybe now it's the time to see if we can be something or not. This has been a dream of mine since I could remember ever knowing Matt.

What Liz said really made me start thinking. Yes, I could see myself being with Chris, but I've wanted Matt to see me like I see him for pretty much forever. Maybe I'll be with Chris in the future, but for now I'm taking my chances with Matt.

I let Liz open the door since she has her room key.

"Don't forget, now's your time to get Matt babe. Don't chicken out."

"When have you ever known me to back out?"

"Very true." As she puts the card in the door, there's a beep sound and we're walking into the room.

"Babe?" Liz calls out for Nick, but I think she spoke too soon.

When we look up there is dad of the year trying to get a squirming Kendall into her little swimsuit.

She just keep trying to grab Nick's sunglasses from off of his shirt and she won't stay still. At this point I would just put her in a water diaper and call it a day. She's one, who cares?

"Where's Matt?" Liz asks Nick as she sits down next to him, taking Kendall in the process. She easily fixes her swimsuit as Nick just looks so confused. She's a pro.

He just looks out the window and rubs his neck with his hand, "Uhm I think he said he was going to the beach. I was gonna take K there after I- well you got her dressed." He chuckles as Liz raises her eyebrow at him as he was about to say that he dressed Kendall.

"Oh okay gotcha. I'll go put on my bathing suit and I'll come with you. You coming too Lott?"

"Yeah let me just go get my bikini. I'll meet you guys there."

I go to our conjoined rooms door and it's already unlocked.

I go to the dresser to pick out a bikini, seeing as though I've already unpacked. I usually don't, there's usually just a mess in my suitcase, but we're staying for two weeks so I'll try to be civilized. Now there's just a mess in the drawers.

The first drawer I open has a couple of tshirts in it. They looks like Nick's, which isn't surprising since Liz had to pack for three people for two weeks' worth of clothes. I on the other hand have a room all to myself and the drawers weren't nearly full.

I decide to throw on my olive green bikini (picture) and I took one of Nick's tshirts to throw on top. Sibling love. Meaning he's probably going to kill me, but sucks because it's in my room.

I have on his grey Clemson tshirt, and it's very worn out. Where are my sunglasses?

"Nice of you to wear my shirt." That's not Nick's voice...

Oh shit. "Matt? What are you doing here?"

"Jeez you love to ask that question don't you? Well, seeing as though my suitcase in in the corner and my clothes are in the drawers, I'd say I'm your roommate." What the hell.

"Oh." That means I'm still wearing his shirt. I decide to take it off and hand it back to him. I'm not just standing in my bikini and flip flops, and I know he's looking at me. I can feel his eyes looking me up and down, not that it bothered me. "Here you go." I cross my arms over my body and grab the ends of the material, and take his shirt off as neatly as possible. It wound up in a ball. I extend my arm out to him with his grey wrinkled t-shirt in hand.

Seat 32B *editing in process*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt