Chapter 1

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   I wake up hearing the blaring of my phone alarm. I had to change it because last time it was set to play a Justin Bieber song, so since I didn't mind the noise I fell back asleep. If you were wondering I almost missed my test first period thanks to that.

I always tell myself while I'm packing that anything I forget, I'll just pack the next morning. So here I am at four a.m. rushing around my room trying to pack my carry on and the other half of my suitcase that I was too lazy to pack before.

The whole family is going on this vacation, which rarely happens. Ever since my older brother Nick was offered a scholarship to play football, he hasn't been home much. Now he's finally going to be able to go on vacation with us again. He's a senior in college so he's engaged to his girlfriend Liz and they have a one year-old baby girl Kendall. Yeah, they had a baby young but they're great parents and one of the best couples I've ever seen.

Liz has become like a sister to me, she's great. I know I can always go to her for advice or just to talk. Kendall is such a sweetie. She can't pronounce my name yet so to her I'm "aunt tee-tee." She has the cutest little dimples and the blue eyes of my brother. I guess they run in the family.

I also have a younger brother, Mike. He's seven and I don't know any other way to put this, he's like the devil. He looks sweet but he's a trouble maker, especially to me. Sure, I love him, but he's a real pain in the ass.

And then there's me, I'm seventeen but I will be eighteen at the end of this month. So the age gap between all of us is pretty big, but we're all really close.

Mom and dad are in their late forties. Dad is really tall with the famous blue eyes. Why couldn't I have gotten my height from him? No, sadly I got the height from my mom. People always say we look alike, but I don't see it. She's about 5'6", so taller than me, with light blonde hair and grey eyes.

She always dresses with such good style, and is incredibly pretty, especially for being almost 50.

The rest of the family is almost here, so I have to get my my last few things together before we leave for the airport. All I have left to do is grab my phone off of the charger and I'm set.

As soon as everything is loaded into the back of the car, Nick's car pulls up. Kendall is passed out in her carrier, and both Liz and Nick are dressed similar to me in their sweats.

My hair is thrown up into a messy ponytail and I have on a white cropped tank, grey Calvin Klein sweats, black compression shorts, and my charcoal colored cheetah sneaks. I grab a sweatshirt just in case the airport is cold, which it usually is.

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   When we get to the airport, Kendall stirs and wakes up. She looks like she is about to cry, she's probably looking for her mom. Since everyone else is unloading the luggage, I decide to grab her from her car seat.

She starts to calm down when she realizes everyone is just outside of the car and that she's not alone.

"Your brother and dad got everything out of the trunk, wanna go inside so Kenn doesn't get cold?" Liz asked.

"Yeah that's fine. I can hold her if you want. I only have my one suitcase and carry on to bring, so it won't be a problem." I honestly just didn't want to put Kendall down. Right now she's playing with one of my earrings and the look on her face is just too precious.

"Yeah that'd be great thanks. I'll go with you, we need to get in line to get our bags checked in anyway." Said Liz, "Come on, it's right when you walk in."

After we all checked out bags in, we had to go to security. Liz, Nick, Mike, and mom and dad already went, so everyone was waiting on me. I decided to go last since it would take me a minute or two to take out my two sets of earrings and my cartilage and I had to take off my rings.

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