Chapter 6

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Lottie's POV

I still can't get my head wrapped around what happened yesterday. I really thought that I was getting feelings for Chris, but when Matt texted me, I got those butterflies again.

I didn't think that those would come back. When I was with Connor, he was the only boy I was in love with. I gave up on Matt awhile ago, and with Connor, he was the only boy to ever make my eyes light up.

When my heart decided to skip when I saw Matt's name light up on my phone, there was no denying that my feelings for Matt are coming back.

I just don't know if it's worth it or not. Matt's a junior in college, so he's always away at school. Yet he's always there for me, damn it.

I'm just going to push it aside for now, seeing as if I probably won't see Matt again until spring break, when he comes back home with Nick and Liz.

I think that I'm afraid of falling for him. For falling for someone again. If I fall for him, I won't ever be able to see him the same again. I can't lose him, he's a vital piece of my life. I can't function without our late night talks, ice cream sessions, and bowling and laser tag days.

But there's no denying that, whether I want to admit it or not, I might just want it to be something more than that.


I'm sitting by the pool just trying to get a tan started early into my vacation. I usually get pretty dark since I'm part Italian, my last name's Santoni so obviously, so I only use spf 15 if I have to. It really does nothing but at least I can say I'm wearing something.

I still can't stop thinking about if I should try to start something with Chris, or if I should finally try to confirm my feelings for Matt.

I feel like taking a walk because I'm on vacation and all I've done is stress about guys. I grab my phone and put in my headphones. There is a trail to the left of the beach cabanas so that's where I decide to start. It'll at least be easier to find my way back.


I've been walking for about five minutes, and I realize that I'm heading uphill. I see the volcano in the distance, but no way am I hiking that far, no matter how confused I am about my current situation.

About ten minutes into my walk, I'm about a little over half of the way up the hill. The trail splits into two paths, the one on the right goes up the hill. So which one do you think that I took? Left? Correct.

I see that there are some hot tubs near the rocks and one of them is under the rock behind a small waterfall. I think that's probably going to be the best place to relax, so that's where I go.

The bubbles from the jets drown out most of the background noise, besides my music which is now on speaker and not in my headphones.

"You must really like that music." I look up to see a chucking Chris stepping through the waterfall and into the hottub.

He is wearing his dark blue and gray swim trunks, and he is slightly wet from walking through the waterfall. What a sight. I even see part of a tattoo poking out of his swimsuit bottom line, since his trunks are riding pretty low.

"What are you doing here?" Well that came out rude.

"Uh I can leave if you want sorry." NO.

"No, sorry that came out wrong. How did you know that I was here?" That's better. Good going Lott.

"I saw you walking up the trail and I kept calling your name but then I figured you were listening to music or something. I didn't wanna sneak up behind ya and scare ya." He kind of just looks down and chuckles as if he finds he situation funny.

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