Chapter 18

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Duncan pov

I woke up to see Courtney no next to me, she was no where to be found.

I then saw blood on the floor and I got worried really worried and I quickly got up and followed the blood

"Where could she be? I need to find her before she could- don't say that she has to be alive"

I run through the woods where the blood stops and he looks up to see an old cabin and he heard yells and screams.

Courtney Pov.

"How'd you find me I thought I was under witness protection and how did you get out of jail"

"No sweetie you can't put me behind bars I just ran for my life when I was getting off the truck, and your all over the news and I heard how big you've gotten so I had some people tell me or more or less forced them then killed them"

"You bastered why would you do that to innocent people they have done nothing to deserve this!" I say breathing heavily as the blood dripped down my cheeks and shoulders.

"Don't you dare talk to your father like that!" He slapped me and a red spot appeared on my face and I spit out a little blood and then he smirked and went to a back room.

"That ain't hard enough to will then" and he brings out a whip. "Now tell me if this is" he starts to whip me and then pour alcohol on my cuts from the whip.

"Let me go!" I demand and he just laughed and whipped me again before his answer.

"Sorry honey but I have things to do, like kill you" he then continued while I scream in pain and tears roll down makings my cuts burn even more.

"Duncan! Please Duncan help me!" I say as you can hear how hurt I am through my voice.

Duncan pov.

I heard her voice as she yelled for me and with no hesitation I rushed in and I saw her breathing heavily and her eyes blood shot red from her tears and I punched her father in the face.

"How dare you do this to your own daughter!" I continue to punch him while he laughs like a mad man and I assume his drunk.

"Look boy you don't come between me and my family and she's my daughter and I can do what ever I want with her" and he gets up and hits me with a bottle of glass on my shoulder and some shards go into my skin.

"Why you" and I pushed him back and he fell unconscious and I called the cops.

"Courtney" I say and rush towards her untied the ropes and I catches her and she fell ink my arms.

"Duncan...I'm glad you came" she says weakly and I hug her and pick her up. "Let's go and fix you up where do you live"

She tells me and I take her home and gently on her bed and gently tend to her wounds.

"Don't worry princess you'll be ok don't worry" I says fixing her as I stop the blood and put band aid cloth around her cuts.

Courtney pov.

"Thank you" i say smiling softly and then I pass out on the exhaustion and I could still see his teal even when I was sleep.

And I was dreaming about how it would be like to be with him and to stay with him forever just us....having a family having kids with his eyes having his personality, I would laugh if I had a daughter with Duncan and she would have the same personality as Duncan but would have the softest side you'll ever see.

"Duncan..." I mumble in my sleep and I felt him sleep beside me....

Duncan pov.

The next morning I decided to make gee breakfast in bed even though it was so out of character for me but hey she was sick and I wanted to do something nice for her.

"Courtney you up yet?" I say and she slowly gets up and I laugh and smile when she got up like a baby and rubbed her eyes.

"Yes Duncan what do you want" she said annoyed that I woke her up.

"I made you breakfast" I blush and place it next to her and her jaw dropped and I smile.

"You did this for me?" I nodded and she hugs me and I smile still.

"Of course I love you after all" and I show her the heart tattoo we got when we were still dating.

"You still have it" and she shows me hers and we laugh.

"I guess we just couldn't be apart"I smirk and she punches me playfully and I thought I could live in a world without her.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the long long long update! I just had some problems but I will update my other story soon and if you haven't read Two Worlds One Her then check it out:)

And as always I hope you enjoyed this story:)

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