Chapter 12

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Courtney's Pov.

Me and Duncan started talking more and more after that stupid show. God how it was annoying to put with those stupid cameras. there was literally no privacy anywhere then Gwen attacked me then there was Scott. Everything went wrong I hated it! Well besides the fact that I made 5 new friends Bridgette,Heather, Geff, Duncan and no wait I can't say Gwen anymore because she hates me now wow so much luck for me.

Summer was over and we went back to school I hated it though all the girls and boys especially the boys! Didn't leave me alone not even the teachers. It was so frustrating because I couldn't really do anything because there was a mob of people everywhere. I miss my real friends all these people didn't notice me until I was on tv they just want to be friends with me so they can use me but luckily I'm not dumb.

I sometimes wondered how Bridgette and Heather were doing. But at least I got their numbers u had gwens but she blocked me and she always said how I'm a bad person for quote on quote stole her boyfriend I mean how did I still Duncan from her?! I'm just his friend that's all I don't want to be that ogres girlfriend not in a million years. But their was a pain in my heart when ever I said that we were just friends I wish I knew why. Bridgette told me it was because I liked him but no I wouldn't like someone like him. And anyways his a player and I don't want to go through shit ever again in my life! I went through enough with my family and I don't want someone playing with my feelings no thank you!

Duncan's Pov.

I'm so glad I got her number before we left to go back to school. But there was a lot of girls coming up to me and asking for my number I wanted to say no but it was so tempting. And there were a lot of hot chicks too which was a win for me. But the guys weren't so please but I mean fuck it life's a bitch and we gotta deal with it.

I know it's wrong to talk to other girls behind Courtney's back but then again we aren't dating.... I wish we were- I mean we are just best friends that's all we are ever going to be but I still can't believe I went out with Gwen she's crazy then I thought and she also got over me quick because she's now with Elvis over there playing his shity tone to her.

I swear I almost threw up from the sight. But I can't believe she even comes to my high school didn't even notice her. But I'm not much of a person who takes their time and see who's in their school like no thanks I only keep my eye out for the hot ones.

But that Chris McLean he almost said on the loud speaker I liked Courtney if he said that my life maybe would've ended because she looks like she's not in to me but that can change very quick knowing me and my smooth moves.

"Hi your Duncan right" I turn to see a cute girl standing before me. "Yeah and why is s cute girl like you asking" I said smirking at the hot chick.

"Well I'm Sofia and I was wondering if I could get your number" I nodded and gas her my number she wasn't that bad looking and she might help me get my head off of Courtney. But of course I text her almost all the time I even do it when I don't mean too! Gosh I'm sick a dork.

"Yeah will I'll text you bye" then I see her walk away I was biting my lip.
"And I just got another fish to put into my fish tank of girls falling for me"'I laugh and walk away to my late class.

Courtney's Pov.

"Hey can I get your number" that's all I heard besides from can I get your autograph and I love you. The boys were so annoying and they always asked who was texting me I said my friends Bridgette and Heather then one grabbed me phone.

"This isn't either of them it's that Duncan" one said rolling his eyes then I started to get complaints on why I have him as my contacts then I tried to get my phone but no luck I was pretty short then one guy walked up and got my phone for me.

"Here you go. And you guys better leave" he said Glaring at them. He dressed pretty mi e and wasn't bad looking he's eyes were a nice color.

"Hi I'm Brad what's your name" I respond with Courtney we started chatting forgetting the bell already rang and we were late for our classes he was such a player but he has those nice spots and he reminds me of Duncan Tough and bad boy on the outside but sweet and gentle in the inside type of way you know.

"Damn we are late for class" I saw checking the time I'm need late for class except that one day. "Oh it is well can I at least have your number before we leave" he says making a puppy face. He reminds me of Duncan too much which bothered me in a way.

"Yeah sure why not after all you did get my phone from those gorillas" we both laugh at my joke and I hand him the piece of paper with my number.

"Thanks I'll text you soon alright and don't miss me while I'm away babe" I laugh and blush then walk away to get to class it was fun talking to him he was kind of fresh and new like a new pair of shoes.

If your would like me to do a second story then notify me and I will because I also want to continue this story if you would like me to keep going :)

And special thanks to 24NYG24  abelsessed music_and_food for helping me with this and check out their stuff too :)

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