Chapter 13

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Courtney's Pov.

I was in class I was thinking of going to visit since we didn't live that far away from each other. So I texted him and he agreed to meet me at this park that was about a couple of minutes away. I saw him he looked kind of different but so hot at the same time, his hair was no longer in a Mohawk it was down but still have his green highlights and he wore his usual dark jeans and skull shirt with piercings but either way he still looked good and hot to me.

Duncan's Pov.

I saw Courtney walking towards me, she had the most amazing way she walked her hips swaying back and forth and how her clothes fit so perfectly with her curves and how her freckles stood out when she smiled I finally decided to ask her to be my girlfriend and I was more then nervous to ask her because I was worried what she would say no or yes I was hoping she would say yes.

"Hey Duncan you look good" she said as she walked up to me she smelled so good the air was filled with her perfect smell of that perfume I love.

"Hey and thanks your not looking so bad yourself and what made you decide to come and visit me?" I say smirking at her she blushed and looked away it was cute and I couldn't help but kiss those lips of hers.

"I don't know maybe because I miss my friend that's all" she said and I blushed then I went to the point.

"Do you like anyone?" I asked she thought for a moment and nodded.

"Who is it?" "You got to figure that out by yourself" then she blushed while laughing she looked so hot I couldn't help myself but kiss her.

Courtney's Pov.

He kissed me finally! I was so red that he could feel the warmth of my face he backed off me.

"I'm sorry I ju-" I cut him off I kissed him his eyes wide it made me smile a bit but then he hugged me and I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend I've been dying to ask you and to kiss you" he says blushing and looking down he looked so cute like a puppy.

"Yes of course took you long enough!" I was so happy that he finally asked me I felt butterflies in my stomach and I was so happy.

-4 months later-

It was still the same boring life,lonely and other things but the only thing that could fill all that up was Duncan he made me feel loved and happy this was the first time I could actually feel how it felt to be loved from someone else it made me feel so happy and he was going to come and visit me at school I am so excited. He told me to go and see him after school behind the school as I walked I heard some talking.

"Duncan why are you with her?"

"Because I live her that's why now leave me alone I'm supposed to meet her here leave"

"But I love you too what does she have that I don't"

I didn't hear a reply I turn and see his lips pressed against hers! How could he do that I guess he would always be like that no matter what I do I hate how people like him play with girls hearts I felt so sad,angry basically mixed emotions. I walked away I didn't want to interrupt there make out session so I left crying I couldn't bare to watch that it killed me when ever I thought about it. So I decided to talk to Brad he became one of my close friends, I texted him to get my mind off of things.

C- hey:)
C-sorry if I haven't been talking to you lately I've been busy ha
B-nah it's ok and how's that relationship with your boyfriend what's his name again Duncan right
C-oh him...I don't want to talk about that
B-what happened? I swear if he made you cry I'll beat him up for you
C- no you don't need to do that he kissed another girl while we were dating that's all...
B-your crying aren't you
C- how'd you know:(
B-because your my friend how could I not know that your sad and I would never do that to you,your amazing,beautiful, smart and many more it's his lost don't let him bring you down:)
C-thanks you always know what to say to make me happy:) well gn I'll text you later bye
B-bye ;)

He always knows what to say. Than I feel asleep sad but happy in a way.

Duncan's Pov.

Courtney didn't show up and I have called her many times and she hasn't texted me back or called me back! I think she saw me kiss her I can't believe I let her and I kissed her back. I can believe she did that even though I'm in a relationship with Courtney I only see eyes for her and yet I let her down how can I do that to her. I love her too much to let her go and I don't want any other man to have her.

What am I going to do? I fell asleep at 2 thinking about Courtney every time I closed my eyes I see her smiling laughing and the same sentence comes in my head 'your the only person that has ever showed me actual love and care' and now I've hurt her what am I going to do....Courtney don't go I still love you....

I will continue this story I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm thinking on making another story I want to say what it is but I want it to be a surprise if you guys want me to make it:) well anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and this story it really means a lot that you guys still continue to read this it does mean a lot to me thanks. Till next chapter:)

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