Chapter 17

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Courtney Pov.

I woke up and I still can't believe I slept through the whole day today. It was 10:27 and I decided I'd go to the bar and have a couple of drinks.

As I walked downstairs to put on my shoes I heard thunder and lightning which meant only one thing. "Oh great it's raining" I sigh and take an umbrella and start walking to the nearest bar I can find and lucky for me no one was on the streets, it was good because I'm not in a good mood and I don't want to sign autographs and I don't want to be bothered by anyone.

"Hey what can I get you" the bartender asks as he cleans one of the cups, just like in the movies.

"I would like a martini" then he gives me the Martini and before I knew it I have drink about 8 to 9.

"H-hey I would like a-another one" I say as I slur my words. I started to complain when the bartender said no and then I saw a man seat next to me and he looked very Familiar.

Duncan Pov.

I couldn't believe my eyes it was "Courtney" I said softly so she couldn't really hear me and she still looked gorgeous, she has those curves that any man would die for, those freckles on her nose which were exactly 7 and how cute she looked when she started to get mad and said rude things how much I loved that.

"Hey why don't you slow it down on the drinks?" I says as she turns around finished arguing with the bartender.

"I can't...I made a mistake in with someone who is just so ugh! And the guy who I actually love isn't with me. So I want to drink all the pain away and just imagine those memories I had with him, you probably know him his name is...Duncan the only person who I could love.." She says crying without her realizing it and I put my hand on her cheek and with my thumb wipe away her tears.

"It's me" I say and before she would say anything else I hug her tightly not giving one fuck if I was making a commotion.

"What are you doing Courtney....don't do this to yourself" but all she could do was silently cry in my chest.

"I know I was wrong and I'm sure you've done this to yourself too Duncan don't lie to me..." Then she pushed me off and got up and rain through the rain still crying. She was terrified of the rain so why would she run?

"Courtney wait!" I yell and run after her through the hard rain I stood there for 5 seconds and I was already drenched in water but I didn't care I just wanted to be with Courtney.

"Courtney Courtney Courtney" was the only thing going through my head and I finally saw her standing drenched in sweat crying.

Once I had saw her I sprinted to her and hugged her tightly but this time so she wouldn't get out of my grip.

"It's ok Courtney I'm here" I saw softly but lid enough for her to her and she hugged back.

"I miss you Duncan! I don't want to lose you....please Duncan don't leave me" she says crying. "I'll never leave my princess because Courtney....I love you I love you more than anything..." I saw and then we found ourselves in the woods and we decide to go and sleep somewhere and we walk and walk.

"Ow" I heard after I heard a thump on the ground and Courtney feel Lao I did what any guy would do. "Sorry honey but every man for himself" I say jokingly but tried to stay serious to see what she would say.

"Fine honey" and she got up and started to walk but was limping and I know I might be a perv but come on every man has these thoughts.

Courtney's clothes were tight on her skin since they got wet and then I picked her up and put her over my shoulder and she blushed which made my heart race.

"What's wrong princess is there a problem" I say smirking as I continued to walk. "No it's nothing and I think we are here"

And there was a little shake it looked like crap but it's better then staying outside. "Alright then we are going to stay here for the night" and look around for wood to make fire.

She started to shiver so I took off my big jacket and let it dry and once it was done it was nice and warm and I have it to Courtney. "Here you need this more then I do" and she blushed as she looked at my abbs.

"Like what you see" I smirk and she looks away. "No you ogre" she puts the oversized jacket over her and she smiled in satisfaction.

"Don't you think thats a little harsh I mean after all I did give you my sweater and I mean I'm better looking then an ogre"

"No sorry all I see is an ogre before me" she says smirking then she giggles that heart warming giggle.

"Wow I guess you look like my pet donkey" I says sticking out my tongue.

"Oh don't worry I'll make some pancakes in the morning" and she laughs and falls sleep, her beautiful hair flowing on the floor she looked so peaceful and beautiful.

Then I took a nap myself and then I woke up feeling a warm body besides me and it was Courtney she was still sound asleep but on top of me and I blushed a bright red and I felt her smirk in her sleep.

"Good night princess" and I kiss her forehead and pull her closer and fall asleep again as we both face each other and I swear I never felt this deep in love with someone.

Sorry for the long update:( but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you haven't read my new story Two Worlds One Her and as always see you next chapter and see you later.;)

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