Chapter 14

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Courtney's Pov.

I woke up this morning, I looked at my phone and it had 10+ calls and messages and they were all from Duncan. Duncan why did I ever out my trust and feelings in your hands? I'm so stupid.

I got up from bed and took a shower my hair went up to my waist. People said they liked the way my hair was colored it was a light shade of brown with some blackish hair here and their but i still liked it. I changed into some dark blue jeans and a band shirt called Pierce The Vail.

I get to school and the first one to greet me was Brad and the rest of the jocks.

"Hey Courtney how's it going? And are you feeling ok" he says as he passes the football to one of his friends and whispered in my ear and I nod.

"Aw and Brad you always get the hot chicks share some" one of his buddy's said and I felt uncomfortable when he said that so I said goodbye and left for my first period class.

I got a text during class from Duncan.

"Courtney look She kissed me and I know I kissed her back but what was I going to do? Look I'm sorry just please don't go please I swear I have nothing with her"

Like I would believe that so I just replied with a simple answer 'we're done' then I turned off my phone. And went on with class like nothing happened.

When I got home to my empty house I said 'I'm home' but forgot that no one leaves her but me. The girl across the street with no family as some would call. I went up stairs and saw a piece of paper under my door it was a picture of a skull and roses it looked really cute but I know who did this Duncan. How did he know where I lived and how did he get in? Well I can't deal with that right now I have to deal with Mrs.Newcomers homework I swear she gives you tones of homework and expects it the next day.

Duncan's Pov.

I texted Courtney during class and she replied with 'we're done' I felt my heart broke in two maybe more. But now I know how it must've felt for her watching me kiss someone else that wasn't her then kiss her back. What's wrong with me?! But I went by her house to give her a drawing I was going to give her when I guess we were still dating.

I went to her school to apologize but I saw her with someone else and he was so close to her his face right next to her ear and it made me go nuts! And first of all I'm not jealous, I texted Geff my buddy and I told him what happened.

G-hey man
D-so how's it going with you and Bridgette?
G-good man and I went by her house and guess what her parents like me well they still don't know about the party side but other then that they think I'm a cool dude
D- awesome man that's great and I went by Courtney's school and she was with another guy!
G-I taste a bit of jealousy in the air
D- excuse me a bad boy like me doesn't get jealous
G-sure dude well don't go and beat him up alright bye got to go I have a date with Bridgette

Was I really jealous? Well of course not... Why would I be. After I finish texting him I keep getting messages from her. Why can't she leave me alone she already destroyed my relationship with Courtney and she could be with another guy for all I know.

I wish this didn't happen between us... Maybe it wasn't meant to be.

Courtney's Pov.

I heard rocks hitting my window, I got out to check and its Brad with two skate boards in his hands.

"Hey Courtney let's go I want to show you something"

"Ok I'll be right down"

"No you look good like that and just jump out the window I'll catch you" did he just says what I think he said. JUMP OUT THE WINDOW?! You can't be kidding me.

"No I'll go through the front door" he disagreed

"No we already wasted enough time just jump out I'll catch you promise" I sigh and jump out the window surprisingly he catches me.

"See was that so hard? And your pretty light and you know how to ride right?" Hands me the skate board and I nod like who doesn't know how to ride one of these things it's like riding a bike.

"Ok so then where are we going?" I turn to look at him as we ride along the road.

"I don't know" he laughs and smiles at me. "So you brought me out here to take me somewhere which is no where can't believe you Brad"

"I just wanted to hang out with you is that too much?" He says then I blush a little. "No but you just could've told me"

"You would've said no because your doing homework" yeah I would've said no but I'm glad I didn't

We went to stores and he bought me stuff he didn't let me use my money which bothered me. Then we got matching sweaters and he told me to wear it tomorrow at school and nodded and laughed a little.

He then takes me to a beautiful view where you can see the whole city lights and everything.

"How did you find this place?" I ask looking out. "I come here to relax and to escape reality you know my chill zone" he says and I laugh a little then we saw the sunset it looked amazing the sun touching the buildings.

"Well this really was fun Brad thanks for taking me and here your skateboard" I try to hand it to him but says no

"I got that for you I thought you might like it" and I do it was a nice purple, and my name in the middle but written in graffiti it looks amazing.

"Thanks it really means a lot and why would you do all of this for me?" I saw as I look up at him. He doesn't reply until he kisses me.

"Because....I have fallen for you.."

Sorry for the wait but I have updated and I also hope you enjoy this chapter with all the other ones and read my other story :)

See you next chapter

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