Chapter 15

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Courtney's Pov

"What did you just say" Courtney replays with a surprise look on her face, she never thought that Brad would actually like her. But the world is filled with surprises.

"Courtney I've fallen for you ever since I saw you on tv and don't jump to conclusions ok I really do like you and the way your so determined to do everything and I love how your so" he says looking into those onyx eyes of mine, he blushes and looked away I blushed as well but I mean which girl wouldn't? But I felt how should I explain this, I felt bad or some what 'this is wrong' feeling but it felt right in some way.

"I'm so what?" I say trying to figure out what he was trying to say.
"I love how your so different from the rest" I blushed and felt my heart race. Was it wrong of me? Yeah me and Duncan broke up a couple of hours ago but he cheated on me so that's worse right?

"Look Brad I ne" I tried to finish but he interrupted me with another one of his kisses.

"Yeah I know you need some time and I'll wait for you" he said then hugged her and we said our goodbyes and I left riding home with my heart pumping my body melting and him on my mind.

Duncan's Pov.

I was surfing the web and I saw a picture posted it looked interesting so I read it.

Courtney was just spotted 10 minutes ago with a young man just around her age, it seemed to be they were sharing a kiss on top of a hill while the sun was setting, we believe that Courtney and Duncan are no longer together since Courtney is locking lips with someone other then Duncan who is this mystery man? We will soon get that information

What did I just read, Courtney already moved on?! We broke up awhile ago and she's already with someone else! You can't be kidding me but then again I did kiss someone else no wait they kissed me first, anyway that's not my point. I can't believe Courtney would move on that quickly and I thought we were knees deep in love but I guess young love doesn't last forever.... And I guess the girl of my dreams will never return to join me in my mischief on breaking the law.

Damn it Courtney I wish you still loved me and I guess I am jealous but no one needs to know that.

Courtney's Pov

Wow the news does spread quickly. Half of the school already knows about the kiss me and brad shared on top of that hill but how do they know?

As I walked down the hall I saw Brad and he smiled at me and blushes and I tried to avoid making contact with him but that didn't work because he walked right up to me.

"Hey you ok you dorm look so good?" He asks as he grabbed my back pack and all you heard was 'aw they make such a cute couple' and I almost died of embarrassment.

"Yes I'm fine I do-" as I tried to walk away tripped and Brad catches me before I fell to the ground and you heard was the snapping of photos and girls yelling 'I'm going to post this on my feed' can't they just mind there own business?! Like come on it's just a female and male haven't you ever seen those before?

"Sorry I'm fine I'll be ok my way" he grabbed my wrist and stopped me from leaving.

"Look court if your not feeling good then just tell me" I sighed and turned "im not tired I just want to go to class ok" he let go of my hand and let me walk to class along they way I heard the teachers gossiping about how I'm dating Brad and they started to place bets of how long it would take for Duncan to find out and to beat up Brad but I didn't really care I just wanted to get this boring day over with.

The last bell rang and I got up from my seat and left my advanced math class I said my goodbyes to my teacher and as I walked out the gate I saw Brad waiting by the front of the school.

" finally what took you so long?" He asked no longer leaning on the break wall. "I was in math class ok and it took me awhile to get through the halls and I don't get out early like you because you have p.e remember" he laughs, did I say something funny?

"Really I was joking I know and here I got you this" he puts out his hand and he grabs mine and puts a small box in my hand I open it and see this beautiful ring that had a purple little diamond.

"How did you and why did you" I was astounded by the little but cute ring.

"It wasn't too expensive so don't worry and I got because I like you remember and I hope you like it" before he left he gave me a kiss on the cheek and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"T-thank you and bye I'll see you tomorrow" he nods and walks off in the opposite direction and I leave riding my skateboard he bought me home.

He was such nice guy....

Hey I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm also getting kinda bored so I might end this in the next two chapters or so because I'm planing on making a new one that I think you would enjoy and I'm sure no one has thought of making one like it and it's a working progress:)

Anyways I hope you enjoyed it and thanks to all my loyal readers. My new book will come out shortly hopefully bye:)   

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