Visiting Jemima

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Thursday 6th February

Who annoys you most out of everyone you know? My Dad. Well...not that I really know him...

So, I suppose I ought to quickly explain what Mum said when she got back from school... Though there were a lot of words she doesn’t like me using in her big speech.

“Oh my GOD, Jade! How could you?! Don’t you know you were breaking the law? And who is this Joshua boy? Is it true that you kissed him? Of course it is –I saw it on the CCTV footage! Why do you like him? WHAT DID YOU DO IN THAT MUSIC ROOM? And why Jade, darling? WHY?” she burst into tears.

“I don’t know how I did it...I didn’t know I was breaking the law, was I? Josh is one of the boys you invited to my birthday party. I used to hate him but now we’re friends because his Mum teaches me piano. And, actually, he was really upset because his Mum has cancer so I was cheering him up...” I said. I gave her a hug but she was still rigid. “Did they say what’s going to happen to me? You know, what my punishment will be?”

She shook her head, “No. But you’re grounded for 10 days!”

“WHAT?” I cried. “School’s probably going to expel me anyway! Why do you want to punish me anymore?”

Mum took a deep breath, “Because, Jade, that’s not how I brought you up... I brought you up to be a good and honest well-behaved girl and now...look what you’ve done...”

I started crying then, “Mum I’m sorry...”

Now I’ve got to head into school. I really don’t want to go in. Everyone’s going to be talking about me... Even more so than when I kissed Ryan... I wonder if Josh will really still like me... And as for Rhea...Will she be mad I did that just to avoid talking to her? I guess I’m about to find out...

7pm: That was probably the worst day in school ever. In registration everyone was muttering about me...well, that was just the nice ones. The horrible ones actually pointed at me and laughed. Yeah, really! Josh wasn’t even there. I hoped he wasn’t in trouble with his Mum. And I hope she lived. I’d overheard their conversation last week anyway but I’d completely forgotten! Poor Jemima! Why is it that all the lovely ones always get sick?

Anyway, I went to the head’s office at 9 o’clock, as asked, and saw Josh sat there with his head in his hands. Our head teacher was talking to him quietly. She looked like she was comforting him.

I rapped my knuckles on the door, “Can I...come in?” I said quietly. Josh looked up and I could see his damp face and teary eyes. “Josh! Are you OK?” I rushed over to give him a hug but our head stopped me.

“Jade, do you mind if I just have a quiet word with you out here?” she asked. She was already escorting me out of the room into the corridor. Fortunately for her it was empty otherwise it wouldn’t exactly be a private conversation.

“What is it? Is it about Josh?” I asked anxiously. “Is it...Jemima?”

She nodded gravely and I bit down on my lip to try not to cry, “I’m afraid Jemima collapsed last night...she’s going to be scanned for...” She stopped.

“I know about Jemima’s cancer,” I said. “Go on...” I sounded harsh and careless when really I was crying inside for Josh and Jemima.

“She’s going to be scanned for other tumours. The worry is that it’s spread to her brain and tumours of the brain are very difficult to treat. It’s likely she won’t make it much further...” she said. “I think its best that you avoid talking to Joshua...”

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