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Well, I am still in love with him though which might be a bit of a problem...You see, my plan is to flirt with him until he falls for me for real and then I will stomp all over his heart. Then again, by the time that happens, maybe I’ll amend the end to the plan to, I don’t know, asking him out! Anyway, I’ll have to see how today goes first of all...

6pm: It was so much fun! I’ve never really had the guts to flirt with a guy. But Andrea had given me lessons. I’d had to get up a lot earlier than usual just so that I could get ready for school! I glanced at myself in the mirror on the way out and, without showing off or anything, I looked pretty good! Surely Josh would be unable to resist me? I know that’s what you were thinking, wasn’t it? Well, you don’t know Josh! And you should know Josh! I’ve been talking about him every day in my diary. Seriously! How did I not guess that I liked him?

Anyway, I stepped into the tutor-room and spotted Josh alone with his book. I took care to check what he was reading. A science book. I tried not to pull a face but walked right over to sit next to him fluttering my new eyelashes.

“Hey, Josh,” I smiled. He didn’t look up from his book.

“Jade,” he said. I sighed; surely he was going to say something else? But there was a long silence so I spoke again.

“You know, I never noticed it before but you have really nice eyes,” I smiled. I noticed the smallest blush appear on his cheeks. He looked up at me and his eyebrows rose.

“Jade,” he said. “Did I ever tell you that you have a very nice nose?” He returned to his book and I fetched my mirror from my bag to check my nose and noticed my cheeks were very pink. Not that being told I have a nice nose is really the compliment I really expected.

“Thank you!” I said. “So, about that kiss we had...?” Now Josh’s face matched the colour of mine. I wondered if he was embarrassed at the memory of it or pleased that I’d brought it up. My bets are not on the latter.

“What about it?” he said as he turned a page in his book.

“Well, I wanted to know if it meant anything was going to happen between us...Something real this time,” I said leaning in really close to him. I could hear him breathing, I wonder if he could hear my nervous breathing. Looking back right now, I know that I’m such a terrible idiot!

He put a bookmark in his book and closed it and turned to face me, “Jade. I feel really guilty about this but...I don’t like you. I thought I did but I don’t. I just don’t really like anybody and too much is going on with my Mum right now for something to happen.”

I felt a tear roll down my cheek and he wiped it away with his finger, smiling at me. I sighed, “Are you...are you sure?”

“I think so,” he said. I took a deep breath and leant in to kiss him again. His lips were just touching mine when he pulled away. He was looking behind me. In the doorway stood Ivy...She had her mouth hung open and a hurt look on her face.

I don’t want to write any more...I don’t think I can...I’m going to stick in the email I sent to Andrea about it. I can’t bear to write it all again. Goodbye for now diary.

Hey Rhea,

Just a few updates on the plan. There’s some good news and some bad news.

The Good News: Ivy doesn’t like Josh for certain. She slapped him after she slapped me. And, the bad news, explains why...

The  Bad News: I tried flirting with Josh but he told me he didn’t like me and I cried then he wiped away my tear and my heart-rate bounced up to about 1000 beats a second and then I kissed him and Ivy walked in and saw. I think they were going out in secret. Or they both fancied each other. Or she fancied him. Then she slapped me on the cheek so I had a big red mark and then she did the same to Josh. But he has darker skin so it didn’t show up so clear which is so unfair! Then whenever somebody came in she burst into tears and said she’d been betrayed. Josh and I were sat so awkwardly. He then told me that I was an idiot and I’d hurt Ivy’s feelings. I said that I did not care – she had hurt my cheek. Then he said that maybe I was as stupid as Fabien had warned him. I asked what he meant and he just sighed and left me.

The Worst News of All: Phoebe does know that I like Josh. She said that you told her which you can’t have done can you? Anyway, she said that she MIGHT have let slip to Fabien and Ivy and Liza that you fancied Josh. And Fabien probably told Josh. But she said she also knows that Ivy and Josh do not like one another or have ever been out. She said the only person Josh has gone out with is me and he has exclusively told her that he won’t date anybody else. She read that as a sign that he likes me. But I don’t really think that’s the case. The point is: Phoebe knows and she wants to tell more people!!!! How did she find out? That’s what we need to know! AND WE NEED TO STOP HER! That is, of course, assuming that Ivy doesn’t tell everyone. But I don’t think she will. You can’t understand her through the tears. I just don’t get why she was crying if she doesn’t like Josh...

How did your half of the plan go?

Jade xxxx

Dear Jade,

Rhea here. My update about to begin. Please don’t be so worried. I didn’t tell Pheobee! Why would I tell Phoebe? She’s such an idiot. Well, and my friend, but I would never trust her with a secret. And GOOD! Ivy doesn’t like Josh. But does Josh like Ivy? I wouldn’t take Phoebe’s word for it – she only gets her secrets off bribing me and I don’t know so!!! Anyway, my plan details!!!

Getting Ivy to Like Someone Else: Well, I was sitting next to Ivy (who was crying and I now know why) in music and I said to her, “You know who’s cute?” She sniffed and mumbled something I didn’t quite catch. I smiled, “Fabien.” She burst out laughing and I was a little triumphant coz I brought her out of her grumpy mood. “No way! He’s too sweaty and stuff! Besides, he likes science. Bleugh! What a NERD!” I shook my head, “No way! He’s totally sweet and stuff. Plus, he’s really good at music and being nice and science is a good skill. He’ll probably be rich when he’s old if you married him!” Ivy just laughed, “LIKE I’D MARRY HIM!” I whispered, “He fancies you...” She turned a little pink and said, “Oh?” Then she continued to snivel and cry. So, maybe Fabien and Ivy will be hooking up soon? LET’S HOPE SO!

Finding out Who Told Phoebe: Well, I’ve done a LOT of research on this! I discovered that Phoebe spends most of her lunchtimes with her cousin Ryan. She is quite close to Liza so that is probably how Liza knows and told you. Also, Phoebe does not know any secrets. I asked her to tell me a secret if I paid her in toblerone and she declined. Seriously?! I also heard her telling somebody else that she hates Toblerone (might be why she declined my offer...)

Ahhhh!!! Gotta go and eat dinner! Catch ya later Jade!!!

Rhea xxxx

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