Rat And Juliet

74 10 5

Book title :- Rat And Juliet

Author :- cchinu

Reviewer :- resplend

Book title

The title quite matches well with what you've written. No need to make any changes!

Rating :- 05/05

Book cover

The cover of your book is very simple. It would be great if you could find a better one! You can request a cover from Arats Covers Shop!

Rating :- 01/05


Your poems ? Your poems are fantastic I guess! Kinda heart breaking poems. They're interesting! I loved them.

Your words contain a deep meaning and they're with great amount of feelings and emotions embedded in them. I seriously loved the chemistry of Rat and Juliet in a cute poetic way! Poor rat!! Hehe.

Rating :- 05/05

↪ Corrections

1) Try to write your poems in Italics too!


1) Rhyming makes a poem shine! I'd suggest you to try some rhyming patterns. It is hard but then too you can give it a try!

2) You can use thesaurus because it can help you out with synonyms and some poetic words.

Overall rating :- 04/05


That's all! I hope you'll keep these things in mind and I really hope that they will help you further with your writings.

I sincerely wanted to help you, I hope you didnt feel bad about anything and if you felt then I am extremely sorry!

Keep writing! Your poems are good.

All the best!


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