Review by thenameisfoureyes

69 16 24

Your poems, though only a few, had great power. It was able to convey the message of numbnees from too much pain. I love and hate the way you were able to describe the pain in your poems. I hated it because it made me feel the pain, your way with words was so powerful that I could relate to it. I loved it because the pain as expressed in your poems was so beautiful.

What makes it really good was the fact that each poem expresses a story in itself. From ideas like sad goodbyes, coming out, waiting for a reply and deciding to stand up and find happiness at the end added to the poems' charisma. Dramatic, emotional, painful yet a feeling of hope is given at the end.

I do think that you're a good poet. However, I suggest that following these simple steps will make your poetic talents improve in the long run.

-stanza forming. I noticed that at your earlier poems, the stanza patterns weren't consistent. As a matter of fact it wasn't evident in your first poem. I hope you find time to fix it. The latest one looked and seemed better in terms of appeal due to the organization of the stanza. I hope you continue doing this all throughout with your future poems.

-balance. I suggest for you to focus on this. On your latest poem, it was almost perfect. Most lines had almost the same length and that helped in the physical appeal of your poem. If you haven't noticed, try reading it aloud, having a well-balanced poem along with good rhyming and melody make a good-sounding poem. It will also help to keep in mind that a good pair of lines would compose a shorter line which is two-thirds in length of the longer line. Challenging but the effect is work it.

-rhyming. What makes your work stand out from most of the poems I read is the fact that you were able to execute the rhyming patterns perfectly. It wasn't exaggerated. Perfecting the melodious first and third lines then having a perfect rhyming second and last line isn't easy. However, I hope that you continue to do this all throughout.

-punctuations, spelling, and grammatical errors. These errors, though common, are very hard to avoid. Please do make sure to put the appropriate punctuation marks especially commas and periods at the end of the lines (I must congratulate you though, good work on the last parts). You can also put semi-colons when deemed necessary.

I also suggest getting a new cover for your book. Something that portrays the feelings you incorporated in your poems.

I'll rate your poetic prowess with a 3.8. There is definitely room for improvement. We hope to be able to see your progress in the near future.

That's it for now. I hope you find this review helpful. Please feel free to ask if you need something to be clarified in regards with this review. Thank you for continuously supporting us and asking for our feedback on your work again. We are happy to help whenever we can.

In behalf of the aratsgroup,

Yours truly,


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