review by themissperfect

75 19 3

Happyharshini- your book, has a very innovative name; but isn't it too long?
I feel, may be, you could come up with something shorter/catchier?

I read your book, and I found it interesting; and pretty near to truth kind of story. You are a great writer.

It is well written, the punctuation, phrases, spacing, very good.

Also I like, how all your characters come from different backgrounds, rich, flirty, studious, all types included, making it easier to relate.

Umm, I basically liked the story, though it would probably have been better, if the medical descriptions were less descriptive, but then that's only probably only me; I stay with them all day, so.

I liked the cover too, it's nice, and the chapters are descriptive. The whole story is pretty great, please update more 😁.

I hope I didn't offend you anywhere in the review.

I really enjoyed your story, and will continue reading it; I just hope, may be, you will think about the name?

Lots of love

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