Review by thenameisfoureyes

80 19 1

My Poetry

Simple but full of ideas. The poems are raw and the emotions were blunt and straightforward. The presentation (having the poems) is a nice way to put it. I find your poens endearing because of its simplicity but overall, this serves as both as an advantage and a disadvantage.

Here are a few recommendations that I hope you'll reconsider in writing your future poems.

-symbolism and use of metaphors. I noticed that your poems are written as how you feel it which makes it raw. You can use deeper descriptions and use exaggerations to feed the imagination of readers.

-stanza forming. I strongly recommend for you to write your poem into stanzas. It will be much more presentable if you use a consistent unified structure. Personally, I do think that the four-lined metric structure is best. You can also use this as a guide fo the progression of your poem. The first stanzas can serve as the introduction of the topic of the poem and as it progresses, the middle stanzas can be intense and the last can offer resolution or an open ending.

-balance. It is recommended for you to keep your lines as close in terms of the length as possible. Try reading them out loud to know if the balance contributes and makes the lines harmonious sounding. You can also converge lines if they seem too short.

-rhyming. Rhymes make good poems even more beautiful and pleasing. I suggest oncorporate rhyming styles in your poem. You can use the paired rhymes in different ways like have it on two successive lines or do alternates.

-punctuations. I suggest that you use a comma in ending a line and a period on the succeeding line.  Regard your pair of lines as sentences and your stanza a paragraph.

That's it for this review. I hope you don't take any offense in this and I'm really hoping for these tips to be able to help you in writing. Thank you for supporting our group and please support the organizers and other members as well.

In behalf of the aratsgroup,

Yours truly,


Reviews Corner-on RequestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora