I Love You Always

77 15 3

Author- piercingblue

Reviewed by - Fallingstars99

1. Title of the story

'I Love you always' : well the story title gives out nothing about the story content, and to be honest for the wonderful plot you have so you should go for a more catchy title !
It sounds a little off beat but anyways, story is what we write from heart, if you like it up to expectations, then I will tell you to keep it.

2. Cover of the story

Let me tell you one thing very frankly, you have a very interesting and amazing story line and your cover doesn't justifies it at all. Please make a new cover of your book that can show your name properly. If you are bad with graphics, there are many here on wattpad who can help you!


You should be more creative with the information there.
Please remove 'ongoing novel' from the beginning, if you want you can keep it in end.
Also add one or two more lines, like 'will they survive the battle together' or 'can she save her soulmate'

It should be 'when' instead of ' if' in first line.

try to be more formal,don't use 'Well, Nina..'
Try beginning like, ' This is story of Nina..'

As I said before, more you are creative, more it will be catchy and it will match with your damn nice plot!
Rating- 3/5


It is story about a girl who finds her soulmate in hospital. Well the start is really nice. Your punctuations and dialogue building is perfect. There are some typos and some jinxes with tenses in starting but story line make it up for all.
Since there are only four chapters, I can't say anything else about the characters
Rating- 4/5

5. Recommendations

1) Try to make your chapters more realistic and descriptive
e.g - she says she had published a book which is doing good and bought by millions of people, so it kinda feels weird why she wants to work in a garage and also what her age and occupation is right now is unclear.

2) May be it's me but the name Adonis, Alexis , Aris it is a bit confusing. 😛

3) Try to incorporate more emotions in the hugging scene of last chapter so that readers feel connection too!

4) Changes for Cover and preface

My personal opinion

I just loved the plot and I want to continue it so yeah update soon :)
You will have my constant support, I will love to help you in any way including promoting too once you improve according to my recommendations. For the typos and misspellings, I can comment on the chapters if you want me to :)

Overall rating - 3/5

Best of luck 👍👍

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