Review by thenameisfoureyes

96 18 19

KatieFlemmings96 My Songs and Poetry

Let me start this review off by saying that your work is the perfect epitomy of great modern poetry for wattpad users. You were able to convey feelings of sadness, grief, loneliness and heartbreak yet you were also able to properly exude humor, hope and joy when deemed necessary.

You play with your words perfectly, from the ability to come up with great rhymes and senseful lines to form an imagery to using commas and properly executing shifts in the active and passive voice. Despite the fact that your earlier poems were quite poor, you had exhibited great improvement through your new ones.

There is not much that I could point out since you are considerably a great poet but I do have a few suggestions to make.

-stanza structures. I noticed that some of your poems weren't written in stanza form which is a bit of a shame since the construction of such actually adds to the appeal of the poem. At the same time, it gives the reader a sense that s/he is reading a story. I'd advise you to write some of your poems, especially the ones that have a definitive plot into stanzas.

-punctuations. I would suggest that instead of having the lines always end in commas, use one for the first line then a period for the following line. It will give the impression that each two lines form a sentence, while the stanza form can be equivalent to a paragraph.

-ending words. It would be nicer if you try to avoid having a single word ending two lines that are just after the another. However this can be done in between, or at a later part of the poem. You can also use earlier lines in the latter part (just like what you did with the poem with the fly and buzz)

So there, your work is really good and I'm really happy that you wanted me to give you a review. Overall, I would rate your work with a 4.8/5 (I would give it 5 but that would mean you won't need to strive more for improvement but there are still things to work on).

I'm happy being able to work with a talented poet such as yourself. Keep up the good work and good luck with your 99th and 100th poem.

Yours truly,


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