Review of Perception

43 7 3

By chaahat28

Book: Perception


*The title of the book, "Perception" is a very wise choice from it's author. Because not only is it captivating, but it also gives her an edge over all the judgmental criticism because she already said that it's all about perception.

I think it's a great word not over used, but should be because of it's endless possibilities in poetry. ( I personally wanted to use this as a brand name for my hopeful future brand of design.)

*And the next thing about the book is it's cover. The picture used is not very perceptive. Everything else about the cover is nice though- like the font and the stylisation. But the background picture looks a little out of focus for me.

*The introduction to the poem is very interesting and insightful. One can climb infinite ladders of stories from it. But while the first two lines don't rhyme, the last two does. I think if you do something about it, it'd invite more reads. Imagine the wonderful idea as a full rhyme.... That's like a bliss.


When I read the first poem. All I could think was how often had this passed through my head ? It was that relatable. Yet, I don't think I have ever phrased it so. The feeling stayed till the very end of the book. And not every emotion in the poem is an experience for me. So it's just your way of writing that makes it relatable. That's a gift.

"No poem can be perfect. The moment that happens, the world would come to an end"- Anonymous.

But we can always work it to near perfection.

Here are some things I noticed while reading your poems.

* You have a last line capital keeping problem. Almost every poem of the series lacks a capital letter in it's last line. And in some verses other lines have the disease too. It looks odd.

*Your free verses are very captive. It has the capability to make the reader ride a time machine. But the time machine malfunctions from time to time. It's a little jerky. For me what alters poetry from prose is poetry's infinite roads only poetry gives to our imagination. And some of your lines sit on the brink and has an edge towards prose at times. It hides that other doors when the verse becomes line.Just some jerky points at times.

* There are these efficiently structured poems that anyone would crave to drink. And it'd greatly increase your readers if you can effectively re arrange it's structures.

You can search for things like Epitaph or you can simple go with the feel of how one block of text centre aligned or side aligned or separated gives that extra meaning to your lines.

* There are some disparities between the lines in terms of qualitative and quantitative content! Some lines over flow, some shallow. Some perfect!

* The fourth poem has a very uneven rhyming pattern. It's almost disturbing the flow.

* The fifth poem is my absolute favorite. It's pretty much flawless because it's full of overpowering emotions and all lines are on the brink or even overflowing and there is no space to look for aesthetics!

* A part of #8 is repeated in #9 or so it feels. At least re arrange the chapters so it doesn't look so.


Perception is a book of real scope. And the poetess has real caliber. I can only imagine the heights she can get if she polishes her wild but divine talent.

Extra Suggestions

It would be nice to give some titles. At least for the things that need a perception from the author for the reader to point it out to!

And eventhough you are not strict with rhymes some rhymes seem out of place.

And well Media is on Wattpad. Add pictures or whatever you want to make them appeal more.

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