My Baby

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(this one is kinda sad. it has to do with their baby passing, so if that triggers you please don't read)


I laid under the covers getting comfortable on my back. As I got further along into the pregnancy I found it harder to get comfortable in bed.

It's worth it though. I'm so excited for my little girl to be born.

"You know we still haven't figured a name out for her. She's due next month." Taylor exits the bathroom and comes to lay beside me in bed.

"Because you just won't agree with me." I say looking up at him. Taylor places a hand on my baby bump and rubs small circles.

"What about Cayden Elizabeth Caniff? I really like that a lot." He suggests looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"I literally said that, and you said you hated it." I give him a 'really' type of look. "I like it now, so let's keep it."

"Fine, her name will be Cayden." I smile. Taylor leaves a soft kiss on my lips and pulls the covers over us.

Later That Night

I tossed and turned in bed as pain shot through my stomach. It only felt like a cramp so I tried to go back to sleep, but then another one came, it hurt even worse.

I rolled on my back and held my stomach. "Taylor! Wake up!" I groaned as pain shot through my stomach. It felt like I was being kicked in the stomach over and over.

Taylor sat up in bed in a quick instant, and looked over at me.

"I think she's coming." I say in pain. Taylor gets up and runs to our closest frantically. I sit up in bed and hold my stomach.

He comes back out with the baby bagged we packed, and a pair of shoes for me. I slip the shoes on, and Taylor helps me up.

The pain shooting through my stomach made it hard to walk, but I got to the car. Taylor rushed to the hospital.

The roads where empty due to the late time making to easier to get there.

I didn't expect this much pain when my water did break. No one said it'd hurt this much.

"Taylor, please hurry." I groaned gripping onto the car door.

"We're here, baby." Taylor parks the car, and gets out. I open my car door and wait for Taylor to help me get out.

He guides me into the hospital. Pain shooting through my body.

"I think he's in labor." Taylor says with panic as we enter the hospital. One of the nurses come to our aid, and gets me a wheel chair.

I just wanna get this baby out.

They got me into a room, and changed me into a hospital gown. My doctor ordered a emergency c-section. Something was wrong with Cayden, I mean I knew she was coming earlier then expected.

My nerves and heart rate increased as I was rolled into the surgery room. My whole bottom half of my body was numb.

I leaned my head back as the surgeons got to work. If I seen them cutting my stomach open I might have thrown up.

Minutes went by, and they operated on me.

"I got her!" One of the doctors voices brought me from my trance. No cries where heard though, no noise came from the baby in the doctors arms, my baby.

"She's not breathing! Someone get the baby a oxygen tube." Another doctor ordered. My heart dropped to my stomach and the room begin to spin.

"W-what's happening?" I looked around as a doctor approached me. The room seem to fade until my world went black.

A Week Later

She never came home. She never took her first breath. I never heard her cries. I never got to wake up with her at night.

I only got to hold Cayden for a few minutes, her lifeless body, but I just wanted to say goodbye.

My baby didn't survive. The doctors tried to get her to breathe, but nothing worked.

I just wanted my baby.

"I have to go back to work, Shawn. Will you be ok by yourself." Taylor stands at the doorway of the Caydens room where I sat in the chair placed by her crib.

"I-I guess." I shrug and look down. Taylor walks in and kneels in front of me.

"I know it's hard, Shawn, but we have to stay strong." He holds my hand softly. I know Taylor was trying to stay strong for me, but I heard him, at night when he went to the bathroom.

I could hear his soft cries.

"I just w-wanted her to come home." I cry. Taylor wraps his arms around my and pulls my body closer to his. I sob into his shoulder.

"I did too, babe. I did too." He rubs my back softly.

It's like everything I ever wanted is being taken away from me. Cayden took a piece of me with her, and even though I didn't get to know her. She was my child.

All parents know it's love at first sight when you see your baby for the first time. I just wish I could've watched her grow up.


I'm gonna do like a sequel thing to this

my friend was telling me how her aunt was having twins and she took one abortion pill, and killed one of the babies and only has one now.

I couldn't live with myself if I did that, I physically couldn't. That's fucked up.

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