Seal's POV

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It was time they announced Prom King and Queen. We were all about to just go home and ditch when they announced:

"This years Prom King ad Queen is....Seal and Renzel!!!!"

People cheered and congratulated me but I just groaned. Renzel? Really? Eugh. I'd rather die than have the Prom King and Queen dance with her. I was groaning but she was squealing with happiness. I stayed put but the others pushed me to my death. I looked at Denise and she motioned me to go one making me groan even more.

I trudged up to my death and people were cheering. They put the crown on me and Renzel and I suddenly had an idea. Thinking Out Loud started to play and they announced for the Prom King and Queem to dance together. Renzel put her hand out but I walked down and headed to Denise and she looked at me with wide eyes. I put the crown on her and she looks at me confused.

"You're my only queen" I say and give her a kiss. We pull away and she's blushing super red. Everyone cheers and claps. Renzel is also super red but I'm 1000% positive it's anger.

I take Denise's hand and dance with her, the spotlight on us.

"I can't believe you actually did that" She says and I shrug

"Like I said you're my only queen and you're the only one I will dance with" I say and she smiles and shakes her head

"You're the best you know that?" She says and I smile and tilt her head to look at me

"No you're the best...because you made my shitty life better. You changed me. You turned my life upside down. And most of all..." I kiss her passionately and with everything I feel about her.

"You showed me how to love....and with that I realized that I love you so Goddamn much." I say

"And I realized that you, Seal, can be super Unexpected" She says and I kiss her with so much love and passion.

God I love this girl.


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