Denise's POV

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Courtney. Won't. Stop. Talking.

She has been chatting non stop. She is kind but sometimes she's so brutally honest. You see she's gorgeous. She has the whole model look. You know curvy body, pretty face, no stomach and all that. So pretty much every dress she tries on looks good on her. But when we try on dresses she points out why it doesn't look good on us and all our flaws. It hurts to be honest.

We met up with the guys to eat and the whole time she's super clingy and lovey dovey with Tristan. It's disgusting honestly.

"Aww Sis you're the only one with no date"  Brian says with his arm around Liv

"Yeahhh but I still wanna go. Plus Denise would just drag me to go anywways" She says and I nod in agreement

"Oh it's okay Adrienne. Maybe if you just fix your hair a bit and put on some makeup and wear better clothes maybe at least one guy will like you and ask you out" Courtney says

I see Brian straightening up and clenching his fist. Okay okay okay Bitch say what?  This little shit has the NERVE to talk to her like that?! Oh fuck no. I'm about to tell her off when Seal puts a hand on my shoulder and shakes his head. I huff and sit down glaring at her.

So I might've let this slide now. But then A excuses herself looking down and doesn't look up once. THAT makes me snap.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember anyone asking for your opinion." I say glaring at her

"Oh I'm just stating the truth. So that she can take my advice and she'll be as pretty as me" Courtney says as if it's no big deal. I'm about to yell at her when there's a bang on the table. We all turn to see Brian with his hands on the table.

"Excuse me. But I'm gonna go help my sister." He says and storms off

I glare at Courtney and follow him.



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