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I hate him. He is going to suffer the same pain Denise experienced.


I was driving fast, trying to catch up with that asshole.

I caught him in a dead end. He stepped out of his car and I stepped out of mine.

"Well if it isn't the Fucking bitch who ruined it all" He say

"I ruined it all?! You're the one who abused my best friend!! Verbally, Physically... FUCKING SEXUALLY!!" I say

"Where is she?! Where did you keep her?!?!" I say

He laughs and brings out a little girl about 3 or 4 years old and she's trembling with fear

"You are a sick bastard." I say

He lets the girl go back in the car and makes his way over to me. He punches me in the face and starts beating me up. I was able to get a few punches her and there but he was too strong.

I heard a car being stopped and someone pulling James off me. Brian beats him up but James pushes him off and runs. I rush to the car and tale the little girl to the hospital.

I bet you're wondering who she is. This is Angela Aaliyah. Her mother? Denise Aaliyah

End of Flashback

Angela is safe and is being cared by the hospital right now. Yes Denise got pregnant. James raped her and idiot didn't use protection so she got pregnant with Angela. He kidnapped Angela and took him with her. When Denise's parents found out about the pregnancy they supported her but didn't like it. When she gave birth they started always working in different countries so they're barely home.

I was the one who stuck by her the whole time. Me and Brian. But now this asshole comes back and starts destroying her life.

I am going to make sure James gets what he desreves. He will pay for everything he's done.


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