Denise's POV

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The whole day Brian has been such a great "boyfriend". He's been taking me to classes, carrying my bag and books, buying me lunch and all that other loving boyfriend stuff. Honestly Brian is boyfriend goals.

"Soooo have you noticed anything different about Seal?" A asked with a smirk

"Yup he's been looking at Denise all day and glaring at me all day. I say A is righthe does like you" Brian said

"I don't even know anymore. I don't wanna get my hopes up." I say picking on my food.

*Time lapse*

This "relationship" has been going on for a week now and it's just the same. Brian does sweet boyfriend things for me, Seal glares, A smirks and so on amd so on.

Right now though Seal and I are heading to the ice cream shop. This has been our routine and the only time I see him smile and look so happy with me ever since the BrianX Denise relationship.

As we were eating ice cream ge asks the question the twins andI have been waiting for.

"So you and Brian huh? You two seem happy" He said looking down at his ice cream

"Yeah! He's great. He's been so kind amd sweet to me." I say remembering all the good times with him

"You really like him, don't you?" He asked

"Yeah. He's amazing and just the best." I say

"Do you love him?" He asked not moving an inch

"Uhm well I uh don't know yet" I stutter

"Do you know what love feels like?"he asked with a small smile

"No..." I say confused how he knows what love feels like when he always plays with hearts

"Love is when you think about that person constantly from the moment you wake up till your dreams. You just want to be with them all the time. You wanna hold their hand. Hug them so tight. Kiss them. And make them yours."He says lightly smiling at his ice cream

Woah. I did not know he knew these things.

"I uhm i gotta go. See you tomorrow" he says and rushes out

Well...that was....i don't even know anymore.


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