Seal's POV

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A was whispering to Carson and suddenly he nods kisses her cheek, which makes her go all shy, and she stands up

"Hey whale-I mean Seal. Can we talk for a bit?" She says and I can see the other chuckling when she said Whale

I peck Hannah's lips and go with A outside to the car

"So Seal. Can I just say that you are an asshole and I hate you." She says

"I know that but what I don't know is why" I say. I'm aware of all the nasty looks she sends me

"Your girlfriend." She says

I look at her in shock. She's never even talked to Hannah before, how can she hate her???

"She is tearing you apart from your real love." She says

"And who is that?" I say raising my eyebrow

"Denise." She said

I stopped. I don't love Denise. I thought I did but I don't. I love Hannah. I love Hannah. I love-

"You don't love Hannah. Admit it. When you're with Hannah you feel happy  but when you're with Denise you feel like you're complete." she says

She does have a point....

"Do you even know or care what Denise has done for you?! She prepared so much for you on your supposedly last tutor session. She buried her feelings just so you can be happy with Hannah. She begged me to convince the teacher to let Hannah be in the lead because she thought  you'd be happier if it was her. She made sure you were always happy but what did you do to her?! Break her heart!" She says raising her voice

Our teacher said that Hannah amd I should be the lead since Marius was gone I had to take lead but she noticed that me and Hannah were a thing so she replaced Denise. I never knew she gave up her spot....

"Denise has been so sad lately. Because of your fucking blindness and your obliviousness. Do you not notice how she's jealous of how you look at Hannah and she really wishes it was her? Sealtiel you do not fucking know how much you've hurt my best friend. I swear to god one day you will regret everything and you will realize what you've been missing. You're an asshole. You led her on and then threw her away. You make me sick. "She says

Hearing this just makes me wanna burst. I never knew...I never knew she liked me...i never knew any of this...

A is right I'm an idiot. I'm so oblivious.

I made a terrible decision...


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