Denise's POV

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(A/N pic of Carson)
I am currently sitting at the seat near Seal's and I'm currently playing on my phone

"DENISUAAARRRRRR" B says and I see A facepalm at her brother

"Den!! This is my friend Carson!! He's my first friend in my swimming team" He says and a guy comes and gives me a smile

Okay....this guy.....he's fucking hot af. And oh my gosh I can't even he's so cute and hot and wtf I can't even

"Uhm Hi" i say looking down shy

"Hi, I'm Carson" He says with a realy cute grin

A sits beside me and B and Carson sit in front of us.

Right now A and B are arguing about something and me and Carson are just talking about the two idiots

"Heyyy Seal is that you??" A says suddenly

She says stopping him and Hannah from heading out

He smiles and he currently has his arm over her shoulders which makes my heart drop

"Hey!! Nice seeing you guys here! " Seal says smiling widely

Carson suddenly wants to play footsie with me and kicks my foot. I laugh and he laughs with me.

"And who are you?"Seal says with a suddenly firm voice

"Hey! I'm Carson. Brian's friend" he says not minding Seal's rude tone

"OUCH. OKAY. IM HURT. ALRIGHT. FINE." A says pouting next to me

He laughs and his laugh is amazing.

"And A's besssttttt friend. I'm also Denise's new friend...hopefully not just a friend soon" he winks at me

I blush so red I can probably put a tomato to shame.

I look at Seal and he seems pissed.

"Oh. Well I'm Sealtiel. This is Hannah" he says glaring at Carson

"Well we gotta go. It was nice meeting you." He says and he leaves with Hannah

I watched as they leave and I was so conused for two reasons

1. Seal looked so pissed off
2. A is smirking very evil next to me


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